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should the registered users have there own room like the quizzers do?
registered room
- #1 yes
- #2no
- dont are either way
18 May, 2017 at 2:12 pm #1043556
Would make absolutely no difference as many of the registered members are as bad as the guests and also hypocrites and liars, so pointless voting.
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18 May, 2017 at 5:02 pm #1043596I know the quizzers have a separate room, but we still get guests in there and, when asked for a name to put on the scoresheet, either don’t reply, or refuse to give a name, some leave when asked and make you wonder why are they hiding, some also just sit in the room quietly watching, that is why I tell the quizzers not to divulge anything personal, in case the guest is a troll in disguise.
I have noticed that several of my regular quizzers have not come back since the software changed, so wonder if they were either using a false name or were a troll in disguise. If they were genuine quizzers they would have registered.
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18 May, 2017 at 6:26 pm #1043624God this is getting all a bit deep & complicated innit?
It’s a chatroom & regardless of what is done those that want to abuse will do so.
Since the change over I don’t spend as much time here as the guests do p me off as it’s a free reign to insult & abuse.
I have to say that the 2 main culprits are REGS both of which have been banned in the past & continue to gob off even when their ban is lifted.
I find it frustrating that you can no longer see when chatters log in then leave the room but that’s just me I guess.
Personally I think there is not enough impartial guides – having said that I am NOT knocking the current ones I think they deserve a medal for all the crap they have to deal with.
The ideal time to of really addressed this issue would of been when the new chat software changed but alas it seems it’s a case of shutting the stable the door after the horse has bolted.
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
Arc en.
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18 May, 2017 at 7:32 pm #1043642Keep the coments and votes coming plz but at the min its looking like most of the regs are wanting a seperate room
i also agree its very annoying not beiing able to see who leaves and enters the room
18 May, 2017 at 7:58 pm #1043653I really don’t see the difference between a guest and someone using a fake name . Having a room for the regs will solve nothing at all ! If Martin could stop the abuse / abusers it would have happened years ago.
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18 May, 2017 at 8:32 pm #1043670I have to say that the 2 main culprits are REGS both of which have been banned in the past & continue to gob off even when their ban is lifted.
Totally agree it is the same few people. One in particular has spam abused me in number IDs and I have literally ignored 20/30 or so different numbers in a single night, in an hour ‘spurt’. It is the same person though and so I still don’t agree a separate room is the answer to tackle this issue, or even addresses this issue.
Like you I would never criticize the guides who are unpaid volunteers but there is not enough of them on duty and I am afraid there is no consistency amongst some of them when they are on duty, towards that minority of persistent offenders. I could well be wrong, but is there even any communication between them to identify the abusers after their abuse sessions and perma ban them. One day they are banned, next day they are forgiven…
Often there is more “numbers” in than regulars, most for pm action with “names” and so I still don’t understand the logic why they should be driven away from this site, because of a tiny minority of wreckers who spoil it for everyone else. Having said all that, I find the right wing garbage and the regular Islamophobia and racist commentary from a select group of “names” far more offensive than spam numbers and which is why I also don’t chat in there frequently anymore.
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19 May, 2017 at 12:40 pm #1043836thnx for remove the last two coments martin
keep the votes and coments coming please
19 May, 2017 at 4:00 pm #1043871I’m in
19 May, 2017 at 11:16 pm #1043988Spot on GD
All these numbers..most are regs taking the p***
Mind…lots registered users users have multiple logs/names, they even talk to themsels lol
thing is..if registered users would die… lots seem to have gone..some still here under new personas/names/numbers…most are easy to suss out..other takes a wee bit longer, but eventually they slip up
i deleted me first rant…shhh..zips me gob
Jan x
20 May, 2017 at 12:25 am #1044027*their
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
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