I’d be very surprised if he is ever released to be honest,he’s a national figure of hate.In this climate of human rights equality,it would be in his and the home office’s best interests to keep him incarcerated for the duration of his life.Part of a criminal such as Huntley’s rehabilitation would be to transfer him from regulation 43(solitary confinement) to low risk,which he obviously never will be.It is a common trait of Huntley’s ilk(and their lawyers)to demand solitary confinement after sentencing for their own personal protection.I’m sure whatever various prisons he is kept in over his life,are full to the brim with offenders of all sorts,who would injure and attack him.They still will be 40 years from now.That just seems to me the sort of justice that all parents such as myself would prefer him to suffer,rather than to brazenly announce to prison staff that he’s just overdosed himself and would they please not revive him.It’s just my opinion