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  • #269776

    John to be honest its not the fact she was walking to school on her own

    Or even the fact she was crossing the road

    Blimey i was a latch door key kid from age of 9 lol

    I agree never did me no harm made me grow up fast And looking back on it dint have much of a childhood to be honest

    But mom had to work so i had to look after my self

    The thing that as got to every one is

    How old she was to be left along in a foreign country

    Why leave them when your on a family holiday

    And i wrap mine up in cotton wool to be fare but they still have freedom and life’s

    But the age difference is what i cannot understand being left alone so young

    In fact most my daughters m8s love coming round our house while their parents are at the pub p i ssing the dole money up the wall


    The thing there tho is your last paragraph, different time, so its not relevant in the slightest to today

    People eons ago lived in caves and were happy, should we still do that? Houses were rarely if ever burgled just a few decades ago, should we stop having locks on our doors then?

    Infact many kids actually survived the pits, chimney sweeping and hard labour and grew up to be worthwhile adults should we start that again too then purely on that basis?

    How about child prostitution? I know a very sensible balanced woman who was on the game and supporting herself from the age of 11, so by your “logic” perhaps we should make ALL girls do that as it obviously “proves” that it isnt risky, does no harm and turns out well balanced adults then eh?

    As for letting kids experience life, it depends on the age surely? Or do you think keeping two year old toddlers indoors or supervised adversely affects their life experience then?

    It would certainly be interesting to see how well they cope with crossing busy dual carraigeways and how safe they would be near canals and ponds without supervision and I’m sure the ONLY reason that most kids DONT change their own nappies is as you say because they are “wrapped in cotton wool” at age two years, so perhaps if left feral to wander the streets they would learn how to change their own nappies and stuffs, dya reckon?

    As has been stated many times, these kids were under 4, nobody who deserves to be allowed to raise kids should ever under any circumstances let 4 year olds out of their sight, anyone who does should be steralised IMO as they dont exhibit the responsibility that comes with having kids and therefore dont deserve the right to procreate further

    Infact other things that really ought to be considered are that even when I was a child some 3 decades ago we had noticeably fewer cars on the roads both parked and moving, more areas to play that wasnt anywhere near roads, less knife and gun weilding kids walking the street, far fewer totally sadistic people walking about (the nine year old who poured lighter fuel on another 9 year olds face and lit if “for a laugh” recently springs to mind) and as you also pointed out, paedophilia was a mostly family occurence (only compulsory in cornwall haha) and wasnt (seemingly) anywhere near as prominent and definitely wasnt as organised

    So what “might” have been LESS RISKY (as its never been “safe”) in bygone times isnt relevant in the slightest to what is and isnt wise nowadays and therefore bears an equal lack of relevance to what should be acceptable now as NOW is when this woman and droves of equally lapsidaisical parents have their kids, not 30 years ago, but now, today!!!

    The ironic thing is tho that parenting on average was actually (IMO) also far better, more involved, more conscientious and had far far more effort put into it in times when that wasnt as sorely needed, yet today when its desperately needed people in a vast amount of society niether have the time, energy nor inclination to apply any of those things or in just as many cases dont have the faintest idea of how to be a decent parent because their only experience of parenting was from their own equally useless parents during their childhood so generation upon generation the average quality of parenting decreases whilst the need for better than ever parenting INcreases

    Sort of whimsically ironic I reckon lol


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Thats what i was trying to say lol but ubermik does it sh ite loads better


    Uber, you’re taking my comments out of context. I was talking about letting kids be kids, allowing them that time to mess around and have fun. You’ve taken that and somehow linked it – though god knows how – to child prostitution and coal mines. How does your mind work? I think you’ll find that I also mentioned that common sense should be shown, so how has your mind interprited that as me saying it’s acceptable to leave two and three year old kids on their own? Try getting off your soapbox for a minute.

    And in any case, if as you say that what I said was irrelevant then why are you bothering getting the moral high ground? Just cos the dangers weren’t as obvious doesn’t mean they weren’t there.


    Well seeing as you have referred to people quite clearly stating that kids of 4 shouldnt have EVER been let out of their sight as being detrimental to their life experience and development (the ages being discussed here has been quite adequately mentioned many many times btw) I dont see how its out of context in the slightest really and most certainly ISNT “common sense” to anyone except an idiot to let kids of that age group or even older kids wander free

    Secondly, the prostitution analogy refers to you claims of “I turned out ok so whats the harm” and shows that the end isnt any proof of the route being either wise nore adviseable

    It wasnt exactly a cryptic link really so I am a bit surprised you chose to choose to act as tho you couldnt see it really, ho hum



    @sunny wrote:

    Thing i cannot understand on this ……………..And i’m trying so hard to see it from all roads

    But I’m a mom of two and i have never left them out me sight …………….To me a family holiday is that for families

    I never leave them in kids clubs and i wouldn’t leave them alone and they are 13 and 16 now

    Been told i wrap them up in cotton wool i don’t give a sh ite I see kids as young as 4 upwards round here out till past 9 at night

    Why have them if you don’t want them round you

    My oldest never gos out i would rather a house full of her m8s than have her walking the streets

    I just hope the lil girl is found OK but i just cant see it now

    When your abroad all you see is the parents sunbathing and telling the kids to give them peace and quiet the amount of times i have sat there watching babies getting real close to the sea or running round the pool

    Or wondering off Just so the mother or father can relax

    If you have children then You look after them

    And you make the sacrifice of not doing the stuff you did when you was single

    As for leaving kids in the bath And having a lie in and leaving Lil uns to go down and watch telly on their own :shock: :shock:

    I have never in all me life heard of that

    Then people wonder why the kids are out of control they ain’t got a clue what being a family is

    Sunny your so right in both your posts.
    I,ve NEVER left my children on their own in the bath when they were little. Absolutly not. Never occured to me. My youngest is 8 and he,s not left in the bath by himself. Supposing he slipped, whose fault would that be? MINE.
    Having a lie in and letting the kids go downstairs to watch telly on their own? Good God, my kids were ALWAYS up early when they were little, I used to wander around like a bloody zombie half the time, I don,t know what a lie in is lol.
    And again, your right. Parents who tell their kids to let them have some peace so they can sunbathe/go to the pub etc when they are on holiday. wtf is the point of taking the kids on a family holiday, or even having them, if you cant wait to get rid of the poor little mites first chance you get!!
    These two parents were totally and utterly irresponsible. I just can,t work out what they were thinking of, leaving two 2 year olds and one 3 year old, ALONE, in an apartment whilst they went off and had a nice meal!! I wouldn,t DREAM of doing that.
    And like PB said, if we want to go out on holiday the kids come too. If not, we dont go. End of story. We always go self cattering anyway, so the kids are always with us. One year, my parents took all my 3 on holiday to Majorca, and I HATED every second they were away. Me and himself went away for a week, and I HATED it. It felt like part of me was missing, I kept looking round for the kids.
    I, like everyone else, hope and prayer this little girl is found, but, with each passing minute/hour and day, it,s looking less likely.
    I can,t bear to think about what might have happened to her.

    :cry: :cry:


    Oh yeah, duh @ me

    “if as you say that what I said was irrelevant then why are you bothering”, well firstly if you check back it was your own references to how things USED to be that I stated as being irrelevant NOW because unless someone goes back in time using a time machine the moment they have a child and stay in the past until that child reaches adulthood then how things were IS totally irrelevant to them raising a child TODAY

    Secondly, its a thread on a DISCUSSION board, so as for the why I would have thought it was pretty bloody obvious really, its kind of the point of logging into the place really


    Uber, we have sex offenders in this town. A wee girl was even snatched off the street recently and locked in a perverts’ bedroom. We have drug dealers who would happily steal a child’s pocket money and have done so. Are there still kids roaming the streets on their own? Yes. Are there still kids out playing on their own without supervision? Yes. This isn’t 20 years ago, this is right now. So I’m not just talking about myself with some of what I’ve said. Things that you may think are completely wrong are normal around here. I’m not saying it’s right, especially kids out at 2am and especially in the rough areas of the town, but it happens.

    And when exactly did I say ‘I turned out okay so what’s the harm’? I remember saying that ‘That’s not the point I’m making’ and ‘Just cos I did it doesn’t mean I’m right’ But hey, you call things as you see them and judge others by your own standards.


    “And when exactly did I say ‘I turned out okay so what’s the harm’?”

    You said…

    “Maybe I was lucky that nothing happened to me, but nothing happened to a lot of other people as well. Many of my friends have grown up to be responsible adults with responsible jobs and some are even responsible parents so that kind of ruins your theory of kids growing up to be idiotic cos of their childhoods”

    As it was in response to a view stating that its irresponsible poor parenting to do such things then what you wrote IS implying that it obviously does no harm and doesnt put a child in any unnecessary risk as a result as you know SOOOOO many people who didnt get killed or hurt in any way, it also wouldnt be ruining my theory if you werent trying to imply that as the two outcomes stated were that either they go on to apply equally irresponsible methods to parenting OR do it properly which would also imply that the method criticised isnt right otherwise they would have merely copied it wouldnt they?

    As for the kids roaming the streets I dont quite see the relevance to be honest, are you trying to say that because only a percentage (and a rapidly increasing one btw) of them get killed, mugged, beaten or abused that its not got any connection to a link between any of those things happening AND kids being allowed to wander?

    Would you care to make a comparison to the percentage of kids who ARENT allowed out that get attacked, robbed, killed, abused etc etc etc to see if the two percentages are pretty much identical?

    Because thats the only way that letting kids out could be NOT classed as crappy irresponsible parenting really, if there was no difference in the numbers that undergo such things between the two groups, hardly like really is it?

    And lets face it, being mugged, beaten, abused or killed while you are lets say under six is hardly a “cant be missed” aspect of life experience either is it? More like something where most peoples lives would turn out much better due to NOT experiencing them really rather than being enriched BY them wouldnt you say?

    So yeah, I think its a good thing to try and stop a child having to experience really and dont see putting a young child into any situation where they are highly likely to have to endure such things as responsible and never will

    It might be acceptable parenting on some sink estates and inner city areas, but no matter how many people practice anything in life pure numbers alone doesnt make it right nor something that should be acceptable purely by weight of participants, if that were the case then paedophillia would actually be socially acceptable based on how many people worldwide do it, and piss poor parenting despite also being a very popular pastime is no more pallateable as far as I’m concerned and can do a child as much if not more harm as well as often passing that legacy on to that childs children due to the apathetic parenting method being the only one they know and therefore the same one they often use with their kids BECAUASE they were bought up that way and therefore cant see the harm it does UNTIL some “harm” befalls their kids

    Which then circles back to my initial point, because thats where society starts crying “awww poor dear, they must be heartbroken already, its not nice to point out what crap parents they were”

    The problem there tho is it gives the impression it WASNT their fault, that they werent to blame which inturn perpetuates the indirect child abuse


    we all remember the halcyon days when kids could be kids johnboy. the point is…..things have changed!. my mum n dad used to take us to the seaside for the day and on the way home stop of for a drink. we happily sat outside in the car with a bag of crisps an bottle of pop. now its an offence to leave a child unattended in a quite rightly. so u have pointed out …you arent a parent so no doubt have never experienced that fleeting moment of blind panic when u take your eyes off your toddler for 2 seconds in the supermarket and they disapear. what people are trying to say that its not a case of letting kids be kids…….a parent just cant afford to let then wander here n there nowadays. my friends mother took her grandaughter to turkey for a week. she is your typical blue eyed blonde….there were gypsies on the beach actually offering money for her!. the mind boggles. if keeping your child wrapped in cotton wool means they at least survive to adulthood when they can make their own decisions then so be it. i still maintain that the parents were either unthinking to the point of stupidity or uncaring enough to take the risk of leaving there babies that they or now reaping the results. they could quite easily have lost all 3!!!.

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