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1 June, 2007 at 9:54 am #270086
they just lost their little girl and their way of finding her is leaving their other children alone again with other people yes fare enought their familybut FFFSSSSSSSS you just lost one of ure children there is no f**** way in this world would i be traveling across coutntries going to see some spiritual leaders and leave my other kids behind wtf is wrong with these two cant they take there kids anywhere with them are these kids just another fashion statement like mads kids or micheal jackson……. Bloody people no logic whatsoever with this whole thing and i hope who ever has taken her she is better off some one will be there for her and keep an eye on her….. These parents should get done for neglect and yes it is neglect leaving kids like that and you cant compare leaving a child in the next room to leaving a child in an appartment 200 yards away on their own… they didnt even take a baby monitor with them grrrrrrrrrrrr dumb ass people….
hope maddy safe and doing better then what she did with these two *********…………
just wrong the whole thing wrong
1 June, 2007 at 10:02 am #270087@ubermik wrote:
You have to ask?
now now……………we dunt wanna get acused of flirting on a serious topic agen…………. :wink:
1 June, 2007 at 11:18 am #270088Another day – another photo of ‘look how close the balcony and the resteraunt are’ which will achieve the square root of hee-haw.
She might be in Madrid, which, given that she could be anywhere, is smart thinking. It’s only a matter of time before they turn up on my doorstep, full media circus in tow, stating ‘She might be in your shed’
Is it right that they intend to muscle in on another missing girl to try and devalue the relevance of that case? Or maybe we’ll start to see adverts etc of this other girl as a show of unity or something. I doubt it somehow, it’s obviously not as important…
1 June, 2007 at 11:27 am #270089Maybe they could get that through the keyhole blokey to do a remake for TV and call it “which abducted kids MIGHT be living in your house” and they could randomly pick addresses out of the phone book and pop round on the offchance :|
I bet Mrs MCann would be dribbling at the chance of co hosting it providing she could find a safe cupboard to lock her kids in of course
1 June, 2007 at 11:35 am #270090@pats wrote:
@ubermik wrote:
You have to ask?
now now……………we dunt wanna get acused of flirting on a serious topic agen…………. :wink:
But wouldnt asking for the pic to be removed so I dont have to put post it notes over it to facilitate the reading of the messages equate to anti-flirting :shock: ? Inverse flirting? :shock: nonflirtificationing? :lol:
Hang on, I’m sure theres a proper word for it, give me a mo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Lust removal? (that obviously couldnt be used in Japan due to their ploblem saying the letter “r”) :lol:
Ok I give up, maybe there isnt :(
1 June, 2007 at 12:38 pm #270091They’re trying to keep this in the Public eye. The more countries they get exposure in the better the chances of someone recognising their Daughter.
It’s certainly not a good idea to be taking their remaining kids on this journey, so they have certainly done the right thing in keeping them away.2 June, 2007 at 12:18 pm #270092@Bad Manners wrote:
They’re trying to keep this in the Public eye. The more countries they get exposure in the better the chances of someone recognising their Daughter.
It’s certainly not a good idea to be taking their remaining kids on this journey, so they have certainly done the right thing in keeping them away.Fair comment BM, but I think Sunshine has a point, would you leave them in the first place, I wouldn’t……
I can’t see what those two travelling to different countries is going to achieve that hasn’t been achieved already,,,,,,,,,,it isn’t,,,,,,,,,
That little girl, if of course she’s still alive,,,,,,,I would imagine, is being kept under lock and key,,,,,,whoever took her, i’d say might be a little afraid at the moment of moving her on, because of the high profile of the case, wouldn’t you?
My sympathys are with the family of Bed Needham, has anyone considered how they might be feeling?
2 June, 2007 at 2:44 pm #270093JC at its finest
SCUM every one of you2 June, 2007 at 3:49 pm #270094Aww…you say the sweetest things!
2 June, 2007 at 4:58 pm #270095“Scum” that obviously DONT think its good parenting to leave toddlers unnaccompanied whilst socialising
Which would make the Mcanns somewhat lower than scum wouldnt it
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