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  • #270066

    Slayer – Holly and Jessica were, as you say, 10 years old. Not three years old. Not three years old and left alone. In Portugal. Kinda changes things don’t you think?


    “Madeleine McCann disappeared without doing anything wrong and her mummy and daddy were totally unable to protect her.

    You try explaining that to a four-year-old. “

    Easy, you tell them that she didnt do anything wrong, her PARENTS did, that they didnt love her enough to make sure she was safe, that they didnt even try to protect her, that they just left her on her own in a foriegn country in an unlocked room with no grown ups with her and that BECAUSE of that she was taken away by someone when they WERE quite easily able to have protected her IF they could have been bothered enough

    Then you tell her that you DO love her, that you would never ever under any circumstances do the same to her

    Telling her the ACTUAL truth is the best way to reassure her isnt is? Rather than the truth that the MCanns would like people to blindly believe


    And Slayer, you said if someone doesnt like something dont watch it didnt ya? So where was I taking something you said out of context?

    Are you saying you DO like watching things about people being murdered then? Or kids being abducted, molested and killed? That its enjoyable fun entertainment for you?

    The news, life and pretty much everything is a mixture of good and bad, the people who avoid the stuff they dont like and ONLY see, hear or imagine the things they do at the expense of the rest mostly end up in therapy, on prozac or in a mental institution

    Life is about balance, and we need to know about and form opinions about the good as much as the bad, more so in some cases

    Hopefully such a loud negative opinion on this MIGHT make other crappy selfish parents reconsider doing the same thing, whereas if they bought into the victim pandering nonsense being peddled here that “they couldnt have averted this”, “that they didnt do anything wrong” or “it was a simple mistake anyone could have made” they would be more likely to do it themselves and more kids could vanish as a result (assuming the parents arent involved of course which CANT be ruled out)

    Most news is “bad”, most news stories wont be liked my most people whether its things like this or the latest government feeble excuse to raise more taxes to send to african millionaires in the guise of charity but its a persons responsibility to know as much about those things as it is to know about some geriatric piss smelling old womans cat being rescued from a tree

    We SHOULD know about the world and the country we live in, the good and the bad, the things we like as well as the ones we dont like in order to get balance, form a view and vote, protest or support accordingly, its an integral part of not only an oligarchy (the form of politics we have that idiots think is actually a democracy) but its also a part of social responsibility and self eductation to the world as it is NOW, not some fluffy deluded offset idealistic fantasy view of what the world is

    Seeing and hearing about incontrivertibly bad parenting is an easy way to learn and remember it and hopefully a step towards other parents doing better or raising their kids to do better in this instance, ignoring it because you dont “like it” is a surefire way to see much much more of the same thing


    There’s probably quite a lot of Parents up and down the Country who are breathing a sigh of relief that this didnt happen to their Daughter, cause I’d imagine there’s quite a lot of Parents who have done the same sort of thing that these people did, or maybe they nipped out to the Shops for 5 minutes, and locked the Door.

    Not anyone in here of course, since they’re all perfect.



    @Bad Manners wrote:

    There’s probably quite a lot of Parents up and down the Country who are breathing a sigh of relief that this didnt happen to their Daughter, cause I’d imagine there’s quite a lot of Parents who have done the same sort of thing that these people did, or maybe they nipped out to the Shops for 5 minutes, and locked the Door.

    Not anyone in here of course, since they’re all perfect.

    No BM we arn,t saying we are perfect parents atall. What most of us ARE saying is that we would NEVER, do what they did. Leave our precious children, alone in a room, especially one that wasn,t even locked ffs, so we could go out for a nice meal with our friends.
    I have NEVER left my kids at home so I could nip to the shops. If I go to the shops, they come with me, and if they can,t then I don,t go. Simple as that.It,s basic common sense apart from anything else. Something that these two seem to be lacking big time.
    They put their own pleasures before the safety and wellbeing of their kids. They wern,t thinking of them atall. How could they have been? They didn,t even lock the door to the apartment ffs. I mean, look at it this way. Supposing one of them hadn,t been taken. Supposing whilst they were having their nice meal, one of the kids wandered out into the road and got run over and killed. Would you be quite so sympathetic then? All because those stupid, irresponsible pillocks put themselves before their children. When you become a parent, you become a parent for LIFE. You dont, get time off when your on holiday. Your childrens needs/saftey ALWAYS come first. If you want to go off for nice meals with your friends in peace without being interupted then dont have children. Simple as that.


    @bat wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    There’s probably quite a lot of Parents up and down the Country who are breathing a sigh of relief that this didnt happen to their Daughter, cause I’d imagine there’s quite a lot of Parents who have done the same sort of thing that these people did, or maybe they nipped out to the Shops for 5 minutes, and locked the Door.

    Not anyone in here of course, since they’re all perfect.

    No BM we arn,t saying we are perfect parents atall. What most of us ARE saying is that we would NEVER, do what they did. Leave our precious children, alone in a room, especially one that wasn,t even locked ffs, so we could go out for a nice meal with our friends.
    I have NEVER left my kids at home so I could nip to the shops. If I go to the shops, they come with me, and if they can,t then I don,t go. Simple as that.It,s basic common sense apart from anything else. Something that these two seem to be lacking big time.
    They put their own pleasures before the safety and wellbeing of their kids. They wern,t thinking of them atall. How could they have been? They didn,t even lock the door to the apartment ffs. I mean, look at it this way. Supposing one of them hadn,t been taken. Supposing whilst they were having their nice meal, one of the kids wandered out into the road and got run over and killed. Would you be quite so sympathetic then? All because those stupid, irresponsible pillocks put themselves before their children. When you become a parent, you become a parent for LIFE. You dont, get time off when your on holiday. Your childrens needs/saftey ALWAYS come first. If you want to go off for nice meals with your friends in peace without being interupted then dont have children. Simple as that.

    think thats what most of us have been trying to say for the last 34 pages batty, =D>


    What’s done is done. They cant turn back the Clock on this.

    Whatever their mistakes are, I dont think they deserve people sitting around making jokes about them, or people sitting watching News Programmes to see when there’s gonna be tears. Or even worse people implying they might have something to with it, because they’ve managed to hold their emotions in check.


    Well if YOU dont think that then dont YOU do it eh?

    Firstly any and every opinion (even yours) is equally valid as well as at this juncture being equally likely of being right, just because a particular possibility isnt one you like to think about niether magically means it cant be the case nor does your disliking of it mean it shouldnt be voiced

    Human nature dictates that people WILL think what they think when faced with a set of things before them, trying to say they should somehow think something other than they naturally think just because you dont agree with it or like it is just a tad ridiculous

    You also seem to have a rather odd view of what people “do”, do YOU fervently sit by the telly looking for the latest snippet on this pair of neglectful parents? No? So why do you assume anyone whos views dont match yours DOES?

    Chances are most people commenting are no more or less avidly following this than you, unless the fact you also have an opinion on the matter proves youre obsessively watching the coverage of course, which doesnt mean anyone else is

    As for “implying” they had something to do with it, why not?

    They could have, nothing thats come to light has proven otherwise nor has it proven they did. So its no less a likely nor outlandish possibility than any other possiblility at the moment with an equal chance of being the actual case here

    The fact many find such things hard to think about let alone discuss is one of the reasons its so easy for so many to get away with it as people en masse try to avoid thinking that way unless its unnavoidable, which in turn makes it far less likely people who DO do that will get caught (I said “do do” how naughty lol)

    You seem to be making a hell of a lot of assumptions about people based on the exact same things youre doing and yet miraculously coming to different conclusions purely because their suspicions dont match yours, care to explain that?

    The rather left wing tactic of demonising any view you dont like only works on retards, and retards dont tend to be the most common posters on message boards except for ones on dating sites


    Femme, showing a pic of the girl doesnt alter the reason this thread exists which is because of how unbothered those same parents where to begin with

    This thread and countless others like it on message boards the world over also arent hampering her being found nor are they an express view that she shouldnt be found (a subtle difference, but a difference nonetheless)

    As for it being a circus, it already is, its been made into one by the parents and teh media and NOT by people expressing their views on it AFTER the fact

    I also havent seen anyone being unkind to their “plight”, how would that go then? People saying they think her parents shouldnt deseve to find her or what? What IS happening tho is people commenting on how they got INTO this plight, discussing their dilligence, concern and neglect all of which isnt to do with the “plight”, its to do with how and why they arrived here

    Views in support or denigration of the two parents wont alter whether or not the girl is found or whether she will be alive if she is

    But a less than victim pandering fluffy outcry about it MIGHT just make the next pair of MCanns think twice before treating their kids like a pet hamster


    Has its been said over and over IF they hadn’t left her alone ………… ALONE at her age

    While they went to have a good holiday on their own

    While their children was on their own in a strange county

    She may still be with them

    I have no sympathy for them the child yes my hart breaks for her

    They can rot on hell for all i care

    Strong i no but that’s how i feel and i always will

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