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  • #270056

    @slayer wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    ‘At worst we were naive’ said the parents in a newspaper interview ‘But we are good parents’

    Naive? Try stupid, careless or irresponsible and insert the word ‘extremely’ in front of either or all.

    Exactly. Well said.
    I,m sick to death of seeing pictures of them two, wandering around, meeting people, shaking hands, kissing everyone and being treated like effing royalty. I want to know where the tears are. Anyone seen any pics of them looking in the least bit upset? Because I havn,t. Not one.


    One minute this thread is about the mass media intrusion and invasion of this incident….and then someone complains about not seeing the right sort of photo!

    I sincerely hope (and dont even begin to get supercilious on me and say it wouldnt happen) you never ever find yourself in the same situation and be judged because you havent got the right facial expression or the right “manner” for someone who has had a child abducted.

    I couldnt give a flying fig if this entire media circus with the parents is played out to the extreme…why? cos I wouldnt wish to be in their shoes for all the gold and silver in the world and if they wanna play it this way n u dont wanna watch or rwad about it…simple, use your little finger n turn the Tv over n dont buy a newspaper for a while.

    this thread has caused so much controversy slayer mainly for one of the things u point out….regarding some of us finding ourselves in the same situation…those of us who find the whole thing growing more sickening on a daily basis are the ones who in the first place wouldnt have left 3 BABIES alone in a room while we went off for a meal with friends!!and THEN as its been reported…….leave the remaining 2 in a creche afterwards while we are filmed going to church……having a jog along the beach or holding press conferences. oh and not forgetting apointing a lawyer to deal with the more tiring aspects that god forbid might intrude into *family time*. :roll:


    Well the lawyer is understandable really innit?

    After all, they ARE on holiday, so the last thing you want is your kids or anything even loosely related to them interfeering with the “you time” surely lol

    I mean, I bet theyre totally devastated, you cant even have a decent meal now without your kids getting out of the cupboard you locked them in and then getting themselves selfishly abducted, the yoof of today

    its as the thread says SHOCKING :shock: !!



    …. and on tonight’s BBC News …. you’ll not even believe this …. it’s too bloody bizarre even for the Media ….the bloody McCanns have been granted a personal audience with the Pope ffs !!!

    Did you know that the McCanns originally SAID that they visited their THREE children (left alone and unguarded by their irresponsible parents) every 30 minutes or so, whilst they were having a good time in a local hostelry.

    According to the local Police reports released on Friday (and reported by the less hysterical Press) that the McCanns left their apartment UNLOCKED so that members of the group they were partying with could get in to check the children.

    They were last visited at 9.10pm by a member of this group ….and it was not until the next check at 10.00pm that Maddie was found to be missing. The doors were unlocked and front window shutters in the apartment had been left open ffs!!!

    Still, meeting with the Pope is all good publicity isn’t it???


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    …. and on tonight’s BBC News …. you’ll not even believe this …. it’s too bloody bizarre even for the Media ….the bloody McCanns have been granted a personal audience with the Pope ffs !!!

    Did you know that the McCanns originally SAID that they visited their THREE children (left alone and unguarded by their irresponsible parents) every 30 minutes or so, whilst they were having a good time in a local hostelry.

    According to the local Police reports released on Friday (and reported by the less hysterical Press) that the McCanns left their apartment UNLOCKED so that members of the group they were partying with could get in to check the children.

    They were last visited at 9.10pm by a member of this group ….and it was not until the next check at 10.00pm that Maddie was found to be missing. The doors were unlocked and front window shutters in the apartment had been left open ffs!!!

    Still, meeting with the Pope is all good publicity isn’t it???

    i rest my case. :roll:


    I wonder whether they will actually bother to lock the kids in their room while they are off talking to Pope Adolf Zee first :)

    Actually, him being a catholic and all, and considering what catholic priests are like maybe they suspect she has been sold into a child porn ring and have decided to go see the boss of the biggest and oldest child molesting fraternity in existence :D


    @femme 58 wrote:

    Clearly…. You are devoid of feelings !!

    Or maybe I just hide them as well as the MCanns do :D


    PMSL @ “she has been sold into a child cuddles and hugs ring”

    Class, pure class :lol:


    @pats wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    @johnboy25 wrote:

    ‘At worst we were naive’ said the parents in a newspaper interview ‘But we are good parents’

    Naive? Try stupid, careless or irresponsible and insert the word ‘extremely’ in front of either or all.

    Exactly. Well said.
    I,m sick to death of seeing pictures of them two, wandering around, meeting people, shaking hands, kissing everyone and being treated like effing royalty. I want to know where the tears are. Anyone seen any pics of them looking in the least bit upset? Because I havn,t. Not one.


    One minute this thread is about the mass media intrusion and invasion of this incident….and then someone complains about not seeing the right sort of photo!

    I sincerely hope (and dont even begin to get supercilious on me and say it wouldnt happen) you never ever find yourself in the same situation and be judged because you havent got the right facial expression or the right “manner” for someone who has had a child abducted.

    I couldnt give a flying fig if this entire media circus with the parents is played out to the extreme…why? cos I wouldnt wish to be in their shoes for all the gold and silver in the world and if they wanna play it this way n u dont wanna watch or rwad about it…simple, use your little finger n turn the Tv over n dont buy a newspaper for a while.

    this thread has caused so much controversy slayer mainly for one of the things u point out….regarding some of us finding ourselves in the same situation…those of us who find the whole thing growing more sickening on a daily basis are the ones who in the first place wouldnt have left 3 BABIES alone in a room while we went off for a meal with friends!!and THEN as its been reported…….leave the remaining 2 in a creche afterwards while we are filmed going to church……having a jog along the beach or holding press conferences. oh and not forgetting apointing a lawyer to deal with the more tiring aspects that god forbid might intrude into *family time*. :roll:

    Pats, there but for the grace of god go all of us.

    Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, the Soham victims, were 10 years old and left to walk around the town on their own..I dont think ive read a single critical point ever raised on here about that, but it is just as “irresponsible”.

    What the Mcanns did is what THOUSANDS of holidaymakers do each year. It doesnt make it right but it doesnt make them pariahs either. I, along with many others, was a latch key kid from the age of 6 years old cos both my parents worked til 530.

    Ever left your child in the car when you pay for your petrol? Or jus nipped into the post office to get a stamp n left the little un asleep cos youve parked right outside? Or left your child alone in another room whilst you peg the washing out? etc etc etc- time is irrelevant, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 20 minutes etc

    As I said, they may well have been less than sensible but that doesnt mean they deserve what has happened and it doesnt make them satan nor does it mean they are responsible for what happened. That attitude (“its someone else’s fault, not the abductor’s”) it exactly the same tact used by many child abusers (“it’s always someone else’s fault, the child, the parent, etc etc”)

    there is only one true fact that we know

    A child has been abducted, every thing else becomes a periphery issue and we are in no place to be judge and jury


    @ubermik wrote:

    Having a view about something, even a criticism DOESNT equate to total avoidence thereafter lol, how idiotic

    So you see a news story you dont like never watch the news again? You see one episode of a show thats crap never watch another one?

    Your footie team looks like they were bending over for the opposition the night before? Never watch them again?

    Hell, I bet yer partners REALLY dread having dinner on the table 18 seconds late dont they?

    Does the inverse work too then? As you ARENT getting a negative vibe about this fiasco will you now be going to the OTHER ridiculous extreme then? Watching news coverage of missing girls 24/7/365? Watching the parents of this little girls home movies and replaying all the news coverage over and over endlessly?

    Why not? If a negative view in your tiny mind equates to never watching again doesnt a non negative one equally equate to constantly watching it?

    Thinking the parents are panty slime, thinking they dont seem bothered or could even be seeming like theyre enjoying the attention doesnt magically remove curiosity for the next episode in the series so you can see if the butler, the parents or a passing politician did it

    How presumptious and hypocritical of you to read into a post something which isnt there…of course, a crime you accused others of but not you.

    So, If you dont like something on TV, you watch it anyway- how foolish. I dislike the media circus surrounding the case and havent watched anything other than brief snippets for the last week- freedom of choice. – you chose to view ithe post as total avoidance, no where in my post do i say that, you read into it something which isnt there because it suits your view of events- funny that, something you accuse other of :lol: :lol:

    If you dont like what you read, see, hear etc no one is forcing you to watch it

    N this is a board where everyone takes contrary opinions and everyone has the right to do so



    @forumhostpb wrote:

    …. and on tonight’s BBC News …. you’ll not even believe this …. it’s too bloody bizarre even for the Media ….the bloody McCanns have been granted a personal audience with the Pope ffs !!!

    Did you know that the McCanns originally SAID that they visited their THREE children (left alone and unguarded by their irresponsible parents) every 30 minutes or so, whilst they were having a good time in a local hostelry.

    According to the local Police reports released on Friday (and reported by the less hysterical Press) that the McCanns left their apartment UNLOCKED so that members of the group they were partying with could get in to check the children.

    They were last visited at 9.10pm by a member of this group ….and it was not until the next check at 10.00pm that Maddie was found to be missing. The doors were unlocked and front window shutters in the apartment had been left open ffs!!!

    Still, meeting with the Pope is all good publicity isn’t it???

    God almighty PB this whole bloody fiasco just gets worse doesn,t it? An audience with the pope, doors left unlocked, window shutters left open? FFS.
    What the effing hell is the pope going to do? And who is looking after the other two kids whilst all that goes on then? or is this going to be a family blessing?
    Oh and who is paying for this trip to see the pope? or is he being flown out specially, no expense spared.
    I still want to know where the tears are. If I see one more picture of them smiling for the cameras, or strolling along the beach having their “ME” time, whilst the kids they havnt, lost yet are in a creche, or reading about their daily routine and what they have for lunch I shall throw up.

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