Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Sharon Shoesmith – victim or culprit???
11 October, 2009 at 11:04 pm #419100
The fact that this child was visited 60 times should have been alert enough for someone to look into this more seriously Sharon was in charge of the dept and at the end of the day it was her job to make sure she did “pick up/ notice” something like this, she failed to do so, thus leading to this childs tragic death, so yes she is responsible for not doing her job properly and indeed should have been removed from her post.
the doctor who failed to notice baby p’s broken back failed in their job and was not reinstated at the hospital, rightly so, see link
This report states how badly sharon has taken this and her ill health and suicidal thoughts, but she seems well enough to launch the judicial review of her dismissal at the High Court.
As i said in a previous post though, we should remember she didnt directly murder this child she did however fail to protect him though, it wasnt one or two visits they made here and a random death it was 60 visits that failure to act isnt acceptable, but what PB said abt her taking all the flack, yes i think after investigation every individual involved in this should be bought to task for the failure to do their job, through disciplinary action or dismissal whichever the extent of their failure is.
But feel sorry for her that she has lost her job and pension … no way
Feel sorry for her hounding from the public and press, yes possibly. she would be better of accepting whats happened and moving on not fighting this.12 October, 2009 at 9:47 am #419101Your comment about “moving on” is exactly right pol and Sharon S should really do so.
However, this is exactly what persuaded me to start this thread. You see she isn’t in that fortunate position where “moving on” is a realistic option.
She is in her mid 50’s and is therefore at the far end of her (no doubt) long and successful career. She was, as Director of Education & Children’s Services, a very highly paid local Authority officer (in excess of £120,000 per annum apparently) plus a generous pension arrangement and so on. She could reasonably have expected to work a very few more years and then retire with honour & dignity on her LA pension.
What is her position now???
She has been publicly named and shamed by a Government minister (Ed Ball no less).She has been summarily dismissed from her job without any form of compensation (for loss of office etc) after a brief appeal ‘hearing’ the outcome of which was never in doubt. She didn’t even get payment in lieu of notice. Simply booted out of the door with nothing at all.
Her LA pension is now down the drain….. so it’s State pension for her in 5 years’ time and that’s it.
She has no income at all … she will have been disqualified from JobSeeker’s Allowance under the rules…. and at best she might get some sort of Benefit from her Local Authority. (Ironic if it turns out to be L B Haringey eh?).
She is totally and utterly unemployable in the marketplace where she previously worked – what local authority would give her a job?
She has been hounded and humiliated by the tabloid media, by the TV media, in fact by ALL the media. Her name has been dragged through the mud in public. What employer would take her on in even the most junior clerical role?
“Move on”??? She hasn’t got a hope in hell of moving on.
12 October, 2009 at 7:12 pm #419102If you expect me to feel sorry for her.. you are going to be seriously disappointed!
She was probably promoted to her level of incompetence. That is perhaps a reflection of our society, because it seems to happen in every walk of life. She was paid a vast salary to do a very very important job. Her department failed. Someone has to take responsibility.
There were lots of people who were guilty of missing opportunities to save Baby P. There are probably scores of other children suffering now as a direct result of missed opportunities. If you do not make an example of someone, but allow people to simply “get away” with things……. the other people, in other areas of this country, doing the same job, will not take a long close look at THEIR OWN working practices, and tighten up their ships. The fear of losing their own jobs in similar circumstances will be exceptional encouragement for them all to make sure their departments DO NOT make the same mistakes. The end result of that will be that small children are not left to the mercy of torturing bullies.
13 October, 2009 at 10:57 am #419103I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for her either.
Wasn’t there a meeting shortly before baby P’s death, there were a further 8 children I believe where it was found their cases weren’t being properly dealt with, SS was also head of the department responsible for the welfare of these other 8. I don’t think therefore she was sacked purely on the case of baby P, although it may have seemed that way because of all the hype it stirred up at the time.
Your correct too PB, there is no way forward for her, no moving on, but as I said, it wasn’t just about baby P, and maybe if she’d spent as much time doing her job, as she seems to be with this appeal case, she wouldn’t find herself in the situation she is now
13 October, 2009 at 5:32 pm #419104Perhaps it is wrong for societies to have scape goats. But, in this instance, I do not believe that she is a scape goat. I seriously think that many of the errors of judgment and mistakes that led to children being left in dangerous situations was down to her running of the the department. And…. if this court case is anything to go by, I am not alone in thinking that.
The law may be an ass, but sometimes the ass is facing in the right direction.
29 October, 2009 at 4:35 pm #419105Oh and I hope people will learn by it all, but don’t hold your breath!!!
29 October, 2009 at 5:56 pm #419106ive always said same , always blame the authorities , hardly a whisper of the bast ards that did it , if i child is taken away from their parents (shock horror ) another social workers blunder , and then the other extreme , which is rare , like what happened to that poor baby PETER ( HE HAD A NAME ), whatever these ppl do is wrong , cant win , apparantly lessons have been learned and systems changed , but one will always slip the net and the blame will be shifted again from the scum that does it
29 October, 2009 at 5:58 pm #419107I’d like to handle the “lodgers” appeal I would require a gown a wig (gotta look proper) a gun and a single bullet
29 October, 2009 at 6:05 pm #419108Oh and don’t get me started on the judges, they are just useless. They can’t live in the real world and they just don’t get it do they :evil:
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