Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Sharia Law and Sharee Council in Britain
1 May, 2007 at 2:24 pm #6946
Controversial Sharia courts have been set up in major towns and cities to impose Islamic law and enable Muslims to shun the legitimate British legal system.
Critics insisted that the Government is allowing a two-tier legal system to flourish in the name of political correctness and that the authority of UK justice is being undermined.
The Daily Express investigation has found that the Sharia court system has been set up in the heart of Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, and that it is a model for others across the country which are operating outside the British legal process.
The Dewsbury court is called the Sharee Council – another term for Sharia – and operates as a Muslim judiciary making decisions by which attendees must abide.
In many countries, hard-line interpretations of the Islamic law allow people to be stoned to death, beheaded or have their limbs amputated.
Non-Muslims are excluded from the secretive court which is registered as a charity to receive British tax benefits.
Although the court has no official legal standing, scales of justice adorn a sign outside a former pub building which has been converted by the Islamic Institute of Great Britain.
Liberal thinkers in the Government claim that the law enables full-face veil-wearing Muslim women who are afraid of British courts to gain justice the “traditional way”.
But one insider told the Daily Express that the Sharia court, which is run from the backroom of a Madrasa – an Islamic education centre – in Dewsbury is just one of “dozens” operating in Asian communities. And a leading Muslim commentator claimed similar courts exist in every major city across Britain.
The Madrasa – which is a former pub situated less than a mile from the one-time home of London bombing mastermind Khan – sits as a court every other weekend and hears up to 10 cases a day.
Four Muslim scholars, who have spent their life studying and preaching the Koran, sit in judgment on an array of cases alongside a Muslim solicitor whose role is to advise on the implications of their rulings in British law.
The operation is headed by prominent scholar Sheikh Yaqub Munshi. Accounts for the Dewsbury court’s parent company the Islamic Research Institute of Great Britain, show that it was registered in Dewsbury as a charity in 1996 with the ethos of promoting the advancement of Islamic religion and education in the United Kingdom.
Charitable status allows the organisation to claim tax relief and apply for government grants and trustee funding.
Between April 1999 and April 2004 its gross annual turnover rocketed from £2,500 to above £177,000. At the end of the last financial year it recorded total funds of £255,000 but it is not known if or how it charges for use of the service.
The source said: “These courts take the law into their own hands and dish out punishment for bad behaviour. I have not heard of physical punishments being used but those in the wrong are often ordered to pay compensation. Many who have no respect for British law are the most stringent observers of Sharia law.”
Sheikh Yaqub admitted that introducing Sharia law into the UK has been his goal since moving to Britain from Pakistan in the 1960s.
Dr Patrick Sookhdeo said: “Sharia courts now operate in most larger cities, with different sectarian and ethnic groups operating their own courts that cater to their specific needs according to their tradition.”
Let this be a serious wake-up call people. The slippery slope to society madness has been well greased.
1 May, 2007 at 8:45 pm #268886thank you so much for posting this emmalush.x.x.x i had a discussion in the pub on sunday night with non other than a local councillor [liberal] who actually called me a liar and said i was imagining things !!!! when i told him he was wrong he called me a hysterical woman and told me i had no business discussing politics when i clearly was deluded….
well if im deluded so are you pet.. the lill tosser will wonder what hit him when i give this to him in print when i go to vote on thursday.. and you can bet i wont be voting liberal the b.n.p will be getting a hell of a lot of votes here in the pennines as we have to live with our daughters being groomed by the local takeaway owners and their friends. FACT before anyone says im a racist.. my daughter was approached several times by the same group of young men in their 20s to go for a ride in their suped up car etc etc she declined rather impoliteley as she was advised to do by her father and myself her friend didnt and is now a full blown koran studying veil wearing pregnant 18 year old she isnt allowed to see her friends anymore as they are all slags [boyfriends phrase] and she doesnd talk to her father anymore as she doesnt need his blessing cos shes old enough to make her own mind up [boyfriend again] sharia law is only the beginning we,d better either buy burkahs or guns cos if we dont get one were going to need the other. ](*,) :twisted: :twisted:1 May, 2007 at 10:15 pm #268887An investigation by the Daily Rag has unearthed evidence of controversial relgious courts set up in catholic churches across the country designed to undermine the protestant church of england and enforce the catholic doctrine on…catholics.
Critics insisted that the Government is allowing a two-tier legal system to flourish in the name of political correctness and that the authority of UK justice is being undermined.
the investigation found startling and disturbing evidence that this practise has been going on for centuries. The catholic church, with close links to the sinister sect called Opus Dei whose members undertake bllody forfeits as punishments for sins including tying razor sharp chains around their legs and whipping themselves into a blo/ody frenzy, has been enforcing “punishments” for sins committed against the way of christ.
The investigation identified this practise occurring across the country, behind closed doors, undertaken in secret whispers between priests (who claim to have a divine right from god to do this) and the furtive sinner and one insider said “people come every day to this confessional and sometimes feel the need to give money”
Non catholics are excluded from this secret court whilst the catholic church is a multi million pound corporation. Although the confessional has no legal standing, the sinners are forced to undergo this penance, which can include starvation and public humiliation, for fear of being excommunicated from the church.
The operation is headed by the prominent head of the catholic church..the pope. A source said “These courts take the law into their own hands and dish out punishment for bad behaviour. I have not heard of physical punishments being used but those in the wrong are often ordered to pay compensation”.
Wake up and smell the spin people.
2 May, 2007 at 8:01 pm #268888slayer .. what can i say . other than my useual mantra religion is fear
fear is religion
any religion thet supresses the masses with brain washing and fear .. which as far as im concerned is almost all of them, should be banned forever.. but that would make me a communist wouldnt it? or is my ignorance showing yet again.. im not being sarcastic but im quite ignorant in some areas as i dont have personal experience at most things political. x x x2 May, 2007 at 9:09 pm #268889slayer from a totally non bnp point of view what are your thoughts on the sharia courts being set up in britain ? the catholic church aside as they have no say in anyones lives in law ? sharia courts will have a big say in the laws passed in britain in the future [as im sure the catholics would if given chance] would you agree to stonings selling women and young children into marriage and the total subdugation of women in britain ? sureley not .. The point being missed here is thay the muslim population is supposedly only around ten percent in britain [maximum ?] and yet we are expected to give their laws and cultural way of life equal creedence to ours. we dont allow the chinese or polish or jewish people these concessions or any other peoples so why do we bow to the wishes of this minority in our lands ? i do not undrestand this please explain ? i live in a small village with no muslim people, yet my grandchildren are expected to eat halal meat at school. they are taught the muslim faith, but not the jewish faith. they are taken to mosques on school days out but not to catholic churches . they are asked to embrace islam as a culture but not the church of englands teachings????? is it me or is there something RADICALLY wrong with this WHY are they being taught religion at all. Every war in the world is being fought in the name of GOD wether it is allah or jesus why are our children being indoctrinated at all ? sureley if every nation stopped brainwashing children with the fairy hell that is religion we would be religion free in fifty years and the world would be a better place for that ??? no matter what the colour of the child. or where the nation..
2 May, 2007 at 9:56 pm #268890@waspish wrote:
slayer from a totally non bnp point of view what are your thoughts on the sharia courts being set up in britain ? the catholic church aside as they have no say in anyones lives in law ? sharia courts will have a big say in the laws passed in britain in the future [as im sure the catholics would if given chance] would you agree to stonings selling women and young children into marriage and the total subdugation of women in britain ? sureley not .. The point being missed here is thay the muslim population is supposedly only around ten percent in britain [maximum ?] and yet we are expected to give their laws and cultural way of life equal creedence to ours. we dont allow the chinese or polish or jewish people these concessions or any other peoples so why do we bow to the wishes of this minority in our lands ? i do not undrestand this please explain ? i live in a small village with no muslim people, yet my grandchildren are expected to eat halal meat at school. they are taught the muslim faith, but not the jewish faith. they are taken to mosques on school days out but not to catholic churches . they are asked to embrace islam as a culture but not the church of englands teachings????? is it me or is there something RADICALLY wrong with this WHY are they being taught religion at all. Every war in the world is being fought in the name of GOD wether it is allah or jesus why are our children being indoctrinated at all ? sureley if every nation stopped brainwashing children with the fairy hell that is religion we would be religion free in fifty years and the world would be a better place for that ??? no matter what the colour of the child. or where the nation..
Wasp- assuming Emmas post is correct, Sharia law has absolutely NO legal right in this country, as Emma post states, from a source “I have not heard of physical punishments being used but those in the wrong are often ordered to pay compensation”- This is no different to the catholic confessional- if we have had catholic confessional for the last 2000 years to very little effect (and it only affects catholics, not anyone else…and there are more catholics than muslims in this country), then sharia courts which deal with religious misdemeanours in exactly the same way must be viewed the same way. As for female subjugation, strict catholics and orthodox jews already practise this so why get all worked up about muslims
Muslims are about 4-5% (last census was 4% but to bow to Emma’s obvious intimate knowledge, there could be up to 5%) of this country’s population- this country is not, nor will ever be about to become some sort of Islamist state, that is deliberate BNP scaremongering which quite consciously causes fear unneccesarily.
What I have said consistently is when something is wrong, no matter who is the perpetrator, of whatever colour, creed etc- that is raised and dealt with.
All religions which are practised should be recgonised within the curriculum and discussed- my 3rd child (he’s 10) has just been doing all about sikhism, what it means and how they worship, their values etc- we havent got a sikh within 20 miles of my village but i really value the school opening my sons eyes to other diverse ways of life which all make up the country we live in. If you child’s school solely focusses on Islam and does not cover ANY other religion in its RE then complain to the local education authority cos that aint right either
as for other cultures etc, Lincoln (my nearest city) recently had a polish night, leicester (Emmas haunt) has a massive and quite wonderful Diwali celebration, Notting Hill has the biggest caribeean carnival outside the caribean, etc etc etc. To me, this is all about what makes our country so great- many diverse, vibrant and different views and ways of life- the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.
And no, I dont subscribe to the ethos that everyone on the multi coloured isle is all grren trees and rosy- we have many challenges to face of which immigration is one and I have said several times on here that personally I beleive we are “full” in terms of net immigration but for me the answer to that problem could never be an organisation like the BNP
2 May, 2007 at 10:43 pm #268891slayer . as i have said before i have no problem with the colour of any persons skin i was brought up with the ethos that were all the same colour in the dark and no one should ever judge a person on first meeting. my dad was an ausie [btw] i have a half sister who is mixed race and two full blown aboriginee brothers so i can hardly be colour prejudised can i ? that aside i concede i may be ignorant in some respects and fully respect the views of others in all aspects. but why oh why do we keep on harping on about the bnp ? i personally think they have a right to their opinions as do we all. that doesnt mean im a supporter through and through, indeed you have educated me to a lot of their policies and beliefs. as has emmalush. and i say again I can only speak as i find personally. do you live in a predominantly muslim area ? im guessing not. but that doesnt mean you know any more or less than i do about their culture or ideals. i was raised a catholic. but didnt go to church after a priest attempted to assault myself and my sister [that aside] my mother refused to believe us and demanded we never told our father about it and we were threatened with going to hell if we did… in the good ole 60s you did as you were told. [there was no such thing as compensation then] my children have been raised with a healthy regard for other people regardless of colour or religion but i stand by what i say religion is fear . am i wrong ? i believe that most religions instill fear and hatred into their followers, jews against muslims, catholics against protestants, sikhs against hindus. need i go on… but one thing remains in my psyche how many of the wars in the world today are being fought in the name of allah ?? quite a significant number i think.. darfur for instance, where the people are dying by the thousand every month becaus they are attempting to escape genocide in the name of allah… correct me if im wrong bit if i were not for this war these people would not be displaced ? apart from the fact that most of africa is starving to death without this being done to them. is it my imagination but wasnt the 9/11 atrocity done in the name of allah ? i may be only reciting recent wars and actions and i understand that the christian faith and the roman catholics have done equally terrible things but in this day and age wars are fought on a dailt basis in the little box in all of our front rooms, and we have the ability to stop or do something about it dont we ? it should be stopped. whoever is doing it to whoever . and all in the name of GOD sureley you can see where im seing this from ???
3 May, 2007 at 1:10 am #268892@slayer wrote:
Wasp- assuming Emmas post is correct, Sharia law has absolutely NO legal right in this country, as Emma post states, from a source “I have not heard of physical punishments being used but those in the wrong are often ordered to pay compensation”- This is no different to the catholic confessional- if we have had catholic confessional for the last 2000 years to very little effect (and it only affects catholics, not anyone else…and there are more catholics than muslims in this country), then sharia courts which deal with religious misdemeanours in exactly the same way must be viewed the same way.
By encouraging islamic courts, New Labour are encouraging a divide in society law, between muslims and non muslims, for the block vote.
this country is not, nor will ever be about to become some sort of Islamist state, that is deliberate BNP scaremongering which quite consciously causes fear unneccesarily.
Wheres the fear?
i really value the school opening my sons eyes to other diverse ways of life which all make up the country we live in.
Do you think its ok if folk dont wana know about religious beliefs?
If you child’s school solely focusses on Islam and does not cover ANY other religion in its RE then complain to the local education authority cos that aint right either
Why isnt it, who are you to dictate what others children should and shouldn’t learn? Why are you so intolerantly fascist of others?
as for other cultures etc, Lincoln (my nearest city) recently had a polish night, leicester (Emmas haunt) has a massive and quite wonderful Diwali celebration, Notting Hill has the biggest caribeean carnival outside the caribean, etc etc etc. To me, this is all about what makes our country so great- many diverse, vibrant and different views and ways of life- the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.
Ive been to the doolally “festival” in Leicester, it is a sesspit of indecency. Respect for the traditions of England is atrocious. For the Sikh festival, Sikh’s are allowed to flaunt the law by waving illegal swords around dangering the lives of passers by.
I have said several times on here that personally I beleive we are “full” in terms of net immigration but for me the answer to that problem could never be an organisation like the BNP
Yet, you cannot name one other party that will close the borders with immediate effect.
The encouragement of mass multiculturalism in society will eventually bring a huge divide simply because we dont all get along, were humans, thats our human make-up. Even people of more similar make-up dont always get along, so a mass diverse society has little chance.
When this happens, lots of people will suffer, and it will be the fault of idiot policy of which people like slayer encourage.
3 May, 2007 at 6:17 am #268893@waspish wrote:
slayer . as i have said before i have no problem with the colour of any persons skin i was brought up with the ethos that were all the same colour in the dark and no one should ever judge a person on first meeting. my dad was an ausie [btw] i have a half sister who is mixed race and two full blown aboriginee brothers so i can hardly be colour prejudised can i ? that aside i concede i may be ignorant in some respects and fully respect the views of others in all aspects. but why oh why do we keep on harping on about the bnp ? i personally think they have a right to their opinions as do we all. that doesnt mean im a supporter through and through, indeed you have educated me to a lot of their policies and beliefs. as has emmalush. and i say again I can only speak as i find personally. do you live in a predominantly muslim area ? im guessing not. but that doesnt mean you know any more or less than i do about their culture or ideals. i was raised a catholic. but didnt go to church after a priest attempted to assault myself and my sister [that aside] my mother refused to believe us and demanded we never told our father about it and we were threatened with going to hell if we did… in the good ole 60s you did as you were told. [there was no such thing as compensation then] my children have been raised with a healthy regard for other people regardless of colour or religion but i stand by what i say religion is fear . am i wrong ? i believe that most religions instill fear and hatred into their followers, jews against muslims, catholics against protestants, sikhs against hindus. need i go on… but one thing remains in my psyche how many of the wars in the world today are being fought in the name of allah ?? quite a significant number i think.. darfur for instance, where the people are dying by the thousand every month becaus they are attempting to escape genocide in the name of allah… correct me if im wrong bit if i were not for this war these people would not be displaced ? apart from the fact that most of africa is starving to death without this being done to them. is it my imagination but wasnt the 9/11 atrocity done in the name of allah ? i may be only reciting recent wars and actions and i understand that the christian faith and the roman catholics have done equally terrible things but in this day and age wars are fought on a dailt basis in the little box in all of our front rooms, and we have the ability to stop or do something about it dont we ? it should be stopped. whoever is doing it to whoever . and all in the name of GOD sureley you can see where im seing this from ???
I go ona bout the BNP for 2 reasons- 1, 3 of my children have a British West Indian mother who the BNP wishes (along with her entire family, who incidentally came over here and ended up as a squadron leader and a head of department at a comprehensive school) to “encourage” them to return to a country that a)my kids mother has never lived in and b) my kids granparents havent lived in for almost 50 years. It starts with encouraging and is insidious and evil and i will fight it wherever is see it. It is racist becuase they dont believe in sending any Brits with Irish descent back to Ireland or those with Aus descent back to Aus, its only for those who are none white
I may be wrong about Darfur and im gonna google now but i think darfur is more about arab sudanese (who are indeed muslim) cleansing darfur of african sudanses (who are also muslim). I think it is to the muslim worlds shame that they have not stepped in as a group to stop this genocide- it is more about nationalism than religion
However we do agree broadly on religious grounds so it cant all be bad. :D
3 May, 2007 at 9:30 am #268894i,ll drink to that pet. religion is the evil in my eyes not the colour of the preacher, as i say i would ban all religious studies and integrate all schools. children are our future and if we keep brainwashing them with the god squad we will never rid ourselves of guilt and hatred.
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