Things you need to know about Alan Snowman.
Claims to be 23.
Claims to have a g/f.
Claims to be male.
Claims to be “unbootable” from F1 Newcombers.
Claims to have 100 single sexy women on his msn.
Alan move to Surry England a few years ago from Portadown, NI
H e made a new life here and jc chat rooms are a main part of this day, offten entreing the room at about 4am and not leaving untill about 6pm most days.
Before Alan move to England, most of his day was made up of marching with the orange order.
It nice to see him making new friends here.
Now he has stopped marching, he spending his days at home in front of a computer screen. he must fill a lot fitter.
Good luck with the vote alan, you should win if all the people on your msn vote.