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  • #3071



    You look deep into my eyes
    For the first time ever
    Something is different this time
    This time there is meaning
    You seem to be looking for something
    Some sort of solution
    An answer to a question

    As you look deeper into my eyes
    I feel dark clouds closing in
    They are trying to hide.
    Conceal the true feelings
    My heart has been broken
    The gateway to my soul has closed
    This is my defence

    I never let anyone one in no more
    For I fear sanity will not last
    These clouds of darkness
    Do not halt your search
    You peer with more intensity
    Determined not to give up
    The clouds begin to fade

    Now my fortress has fallen
    Strengths and weaknesses shown
    My heart released from its chains
    You have done this deed
    Found an answer to your question
    With your love you set me free
    Accept my heart as a token.



    The title is nice, and this is my favorite verse:

    “Now my fortress has fallen
    Strengths and weaknesses shown
    My heart released from its chains
    You have done this deed
    Found an answer to your question
    With your love you set me free
    Accept my heart as a token.”

    Like a butterfly your heart is flying free!



    A most amazing woman she must be oss……there’s always someone out there that will help break down our barriers…….wishing you love oss xx


    Nice one Oss ,only someone special would be able to claim a heart after it had been hurt , so go for it-William :)



    Thankyou one and all.

    Glad you liked the last verse AW darlin :D

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