Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Scientology the "cult"
14 May, 2007 at 10:52 pm #7037
Every cult can be defined as a group having all of the following five characteristics:
1. It uses psychological coercion to recruit, indoctrinate and retain its members
2. It forms an elitist totalitarian society.
3. Its founder leader is self-appointed, dogmatic, messianic, not accountable and has charisma.
4. It believes ‘the end justifies the means’ in order to solicit funds recruit people.
5. Its wealth does not benefit its members or society.
Well this does sound like the yank morons don’t it.
And they have been moving in on us for the last few years, I see them selling their books in the main shopping area of Brighton.
Brighton has always been a place for fakes ides and most of us just walk by them or asking nicely to get fu c k e d .
After seeing them on TV tonight, there are a bit more worrying than the normal nuts hanging around Brighton on a Saturday afternoon.
Did some looking on the web about them too, the “yank film stars” has we all know are use to shoving things up there noise and elsewhere, seem to like it, which worries me more.
I would say to anyone who comes in contact with these people give them a wide berth.
Any “church” that, asks for money, as part of process of redemption is a “cult”
Any “religion” that ask for its members to cut all ties with there family or anyone else is a “cult”
Any “society” than asks its member for un-questionable loyalty is a “cult”.
So Scientology must be a cult, and we better wake up to it and see it for what it really is.
In Britain we can still close such groups down, unlike our American cousins.
After all we do have Jesus Army, and there just has bad but cheaper.
14 May, 2007 at 11:17 pm #270803That list pretty much covers most religions too really which I think is why cults get such a negative press, established religion doesnt want and cant handle the competition
If you talk to many “by the book” muslims, christians and kosher jews you will see people who talk as tho they have been brain washed and are incapable of any degree of free thought, reasoning or balance. We’re just so used to THOSE kinds of “cults” we dont stop to notice how similar religion, cults and if you want to really expand the picture some followers of a political group, pop group or football club could be seen as pretty convincing “cult members” too
14 May, 2007 at 11:55 pm #270804Well I have never seen anyone from the Church of England stalking people.
I have not seen muslins telling people to cut off there families.
The Jews don’t brain washing people.
What you have to ask is why anyone would?
And if they do, should they be banned?
15 May, 2007 at 12:06 am #270805Well firstly I;ve also never ever seen a single member of any group classed as a cult stalking anyone, so I’d have to take that as conjecture in the absence of proof really
Secondly, “people” are members of cults and religions, and even non religious non cult memberish type folks stalk people so its not an exclusive trait only practised by cult members, therefore even if there are instances of it we dont actually know that the person(s) wouldnt have been stalking people anyway even if they hadnt joined
Theres also the ingendered response, we dont actually know what has been called and even prosecuted as stalking actually was
People have varying tolerances of others based on their liking of them, one persons appreciated visits would be a less liked persons stalking or harrassment
Lastly, christians, muslims AND jews are all known for ostracising family members, and converted jews, muslims and some born again christians quite commonly disown their families due to them not being pure enough to associate with
So that isnt exactly a rareity either
15 May, 2007 at 12:15 am #270806So do you think that some yank in a dress is the new living God?
That shrinks are a waste of time and you should have lair detector test has part of the “road to redemption” and you should have to pay for them?
This is not like a new church roof is it
15 May, 2007 at 12:36 am #270807Well I dont even thing god in a french maids outfit would actually be god as I think religion in general is a mental crutch for the weak minded
That said tho, lets carry on as if the bible wasnt a fictional compilation of exagerations. If the actual jesus himself was alive today he would most likely be treated as, viewed as and quite possibly would even consider himself as a god. Which depending on the religion you follow is incorrect as many believe he was merely a prophet anyway so it would be a bit delusional
The thing is that many of the modern religions/cults dont have an oldy worldy view of a god anyway, a lot of them them lean more towards paganish concepts of god with every cell of every person being part of “god” rather than god being a separate entity, many others quite clearly state they are a means to get closer to god without that meaning its the figurehead even tho thats how many choose to interpret it and yet more arent even about a religions form of spiritual improvement anyhoo. But are more akin to a personal development along the lines of Anthony Robbins
To be quite honest, a lot of the feverish claptrap spouted about cults 1. comes from people who are members of the competition and 2. sound about as balanced as the way people reacted to rock and roll when that was new as THAT was claimed to be the spawn of the devil and was rumoured to possess young minds and make them evil etc etc causing some quite horrifying modern day occurences as a result intellectually on a par with witch burning
Answering the questions tho, YES, many if not most shrinks are a waste of space as they deal in reality adjustment on an ever decreasing scale rather than more modern methodologies such as cognitive behavioural therapy which is a much more effective approach
Considering the ridiculously biggotted view americans have re cults even tho many of their evangelist style religions are no better would mean a lie detector might not be enough, I think they should also have the metal scanners too just incase an undercover conscript has a gun
As for the new church roof, lets look at catholocism for a second, it regularly asks extremely poor people to hand over money for such things when its actually one of the richest institutions in the world with quite literally trillions of pounds worth of assets and billions of pounds in cash, bonds and bullion
Yet it needs to exploit the poor to pay for a friggin roof? Yeah right lol
Thats a bit like bill gates asking a tramp if he has change for a cup of tea
15 May, 2007 at 12:43 am #270808DOA’s right. The Scientologists are a bunch of Fruitcakes.
Yes, People will call Christianity, Islam etc a Cult, but these Religions dont force you to hand over hundreds of thousands Pounds. Nor do they force people to cut ties to family and friends who are “non believers.”
It’s founder was a convicted Criminal and Conman. They’ve also been implicated in a few questionable death’s.15 May, 2007 at 12:57 am #270809And the catholic church is quite literally riddled with kiddy fiddlers, yet nobody condemns the entire religion because of that do they?
Perhaps catholocism is merely the very first organised paedophile ring? That would explain why they chose to interpret the religious texts to imply celibacy with the opposite gender when other faiths interpretting the same texts didnt I guess
The thing is, if you wanted to enough you could pick any religion or group and show it as having more holes than a lump of swiss cheese if you wanted to whether that group is a political party, a religion or a cult
I dont really think either of those are particularly dissimilar, or much better or worse than each other and all three meet pretty much every one of the tests for a cult as well as all three having more than enough black sheeps within them to be singled out and demonised. The difference is its only encouraged against cults and occassionally against political parties
But all three brainwash followers, two of the three clearly segregate them and none of the three benefit their followers with the money they collect from them in any real sense so really they aere more similar than different
But to see that you have to not be overly affiliated with either as that begets bias irrespective of which of the three someone does have a leaning towards
15 May, 2007 at 1:08 am #270810Christianity has it’s faults. However people are under no obligation to give one Penny to “see the light”.
15 May, 2007 at 1:14 am #270811Well thats not exactly true either is it?
They function on the application of guilt, otherwise their collection plates would be empty of they would be handing out money at each sitting rather than collecting it, although the method of extortion is more subtle its just as effective
But many forms of christian religion also DO give a slice of their income to the church, as do mormons, muslims and countless other well known religions and it IS an obligation with them rather than a choice btw
Religions like catholicism just focus on brainwashing people with the virtue of “giving” and in instilling a strong sense of guilt for not giving till it hurts (excuse the pun lol), which makes it a bit more devious and much more psychologically biased
Applying the same difference to people in general, I would have much more respect for someone who just asked for money than for someone who tried to manipulate me into offering it to them personally
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