Boards Index General discussion Getting serious School defends its decision to employ BNP candidate

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    @sharongooner wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    Emma you silly sausage, you forgot to include this part in your write up,when you copied n pasted 7/8 of an article..

    “I believe this is a political witch hunt by the establishment. I’m a qualified teacher but I’m being castigated for my beliefs.”

    Last year Mr Walker resigned from his job at Houghton Kepier Foundation School, in Tyne and Wear after allegedly using school computers to access right-wing material.

    Aah… its the same fella, thought it rang a bell in my ever so dusty brain but I couldnt quite think why :wink:

    silly sausage emma forgot that one little paragraph, that completely changed the whole story.


    According to
    Dr Jane Philbrick, chairwoman of the board of governors at Teesdale School said: “We were aware of (Mr Walker’s) political beliefs from day one. There’s no evidence that he used his time at Teesdale School as a political platform.”

    Adam claimed: “I got a letter from the school which said I was unfit to teach because of my political views.

    “I admit I did look at a number of sites which could be seen to be right-wing during school time. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.

    “I also spent a lot of time on computers while teaching kids but it was only when they were working on their own computers and I was free to do my own stuff.

    “I spoke to advisers who said the school had a right to get rid of me so I left without a fight.

    “I jumped before I was pushed.”

    Why didn’t either newspaper reports state what Dr Jane Philbrick said??


    So the theory here is that, in his position as a teacher, he would be able to influence a few school children to vote for the BNP when they reached voting age??


    Words fail me…..


    @emmalush wrote:

    According to
    …it was only when they were working on their own computers and I was free to do my own stuff.

    No. I think the theory is that he was looking at nazi sites whilst in the middle of teaching a class. Good riddance.


    @pete wrote:

    long as he does his job properly with no political aganda then i dont see the problem

    Here! Here!


    So, with that in mind, should he, whilst his students were engaged in practical work on their own desktops:

    a) Have wandered amongst the students, handing out tips and showing the slower learners where they were going wrong?

    b) Have been presenting a PowerPoint demonstration designed to reinforce the lesson message and prompt those students having difficulties into the right choices?

    c) Have been absorbed in right-wing extremist sites?


    jaysus i see problems galore.. his teachings are not part of it,, imagine the amount of failed exams from kids of asian persuasion. ya telling me if it was a choice he would let the non white win ! they are a right horrid bunch with hate spewing politics. OK as a teacher he has a curriculum to follow, but i bet he would bend that for his own needs. hadrians wall rebuilding would be secondary in his teachings.

    im ghost white, but i sure dont want future young minds taught by an apathetic kunt !


    i doubt he is the first or last teacher to be trawling internet sites or in the days before lap tops and computers reading books of choice while students are working pikey lol , but yes you are right they should be working but that said they do alot of work outside school hours also so i can’t see why they cant make the most of a chance of some little downtime opportunity’s too.


    @pikey wrote:

    So, with that in mind, should he, whilst his students were engaged in practical work on their own desktops:

    a) Have wandered amongst the students, handing out tips and showing the slower learners where they were going wrong?

    b) Have been presenting a PowerPoint demonstration designed to reinforce the lesson message and prompt those students having difficulties into the right choices?

    c) Have been absorbed in right-wing extremist sites?

    interesting pikey. he had THAT much time on his hands the students were second rate ! let the slow learners sink,, survival of the fittest .. he needed his fix of “aryan teacher monthly”..



    Nationalist scum, Ruby. They’re all as bad as each other. Workers of the world unite.

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