Boards Index › General discussion › Art, poetry, music and film › Sarah's Alternative Music Thread – The songs you fell in and out of love to
5 October, 2017 at 3:29 am #1073984
i am not a troll, ive spent the last 2 years being abused by trolls.
I am a really nice attractive woman :)
5 October, 2017 at 3:34 am #10739865 October, 2017 at 10:41 am #1074020Here’s a thought……..i asked a m8 last night what his favorite love song was and he said it was Iron Maiden:Run to the Hills LOL I the hell does that have any thing to do with love? Apparently, he met his girl friend at an Iron Maiden concert and they were hammering this tune out when he offered to buy this girl a drink and she accepted. They’re still together today which is lovely.
My point here is that, although that was what happened to him. He was obviously at a gig by “Rock Gods” Maiden and the rest is history, that is one individual case in many and not every one’s favorite tunes depend on being at a gig or event.
I met this girl once at a job i was in. She was on lunch break and had this cassette player with speakers lol Any way, she was playing some rock band i had never heard of so i asked her who it was and then after that we seemed to talk all the time, knew each other for a while then she wrote me a letter( no not an email…. letters with addresses and stamps) stating that she was very sorry to say but she was moving to another town and i could write to her. I did write twice but no reply.
So that was that but the band she kept playing was Bon Jovi which probably explains even to this day while people come and go…the music still remains.
To be honest though…in this particular instance…..i don’t think…if any one was ever in love in the first place, they ever fall out of love….just seems like one or more of the two got some thing more important on their minds.
12 November, 2017 at 6:08 pm #107897412 November, 2017 at 6:43 pm #1078977
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hugs and wink.
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12 November, 2017 at 8:35 pm #1078985Who knows Howard, who f*cking knows?
13 November, 2017 at 10:50 am #1079001 Wet wet wet-Love is all around me. At this point was 9th week at number one.
13 November, 2017 at 10:56 am #1079003Always been a fan of Howard Jones. Opened a chain of vegetarian restaurants i believe. i’ve always been a fan of eighties synth and keyboard artists so if i had to name a greatest tune from Howard Jones it would probably be…Hide and seek although: What Is Love comes very close as it’s a classic. One thing’s for sure though…..Howard Jones definitely had a better hair style than Nik Kershaw LOL….Have a great holiday in Malta xx
13 November, 2017 at 6:19 pm #1079027I saw Howard in concert, I emailed him once and he emailed me back. Then I wrote a song and sent it to him and didn’t hear back from him after that. Dunno why.
Thank you Mister x
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14 November, 2017 at 9:13 pm #1079095Since i wrote on this post last..i have been thinking more about the song What Is love. One of Howard Jones’s greatest because in this particular song…Howard gets one to think. I can only speak for my self here but if i really like a song or an artist….primarily, it’s because they get me to think or ask questions..even if the questions are to one’s self or rhetorical. I think the song was a classic because Howard was questioning not only his own thoughts but the thoughts that other people thought and the point here is…………..some times, you look for the next single or what ever to enlarge on the information behold before hand and then it comes to you….the information you have already received is what you need.
I play keyboard my self………and looking back now..i realize that no one knows all there is to know at any given time..just what one needs……….
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