I was working away today and something struck me. This is the luckiest bloke alive.
He is loved by millions and worshiped by all. Nobody has a bad word to say about him, and what is it he does. He flies around christams day and delivers presents.
He does this one day a year, then the fat B*st*rd sits around on his ass all year round. So basically he works one friggin day of the year and the rest his little helpers work their fingers to the bones for less than minimal wage and a mince pie. Mrs Claus slaves herself to death cleaning for him and feeding the Fat tw*t.
Is this really a good icon for our kids, loving a f*t lazy couch potato, probably collecting his dole cheque every tuesday.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Well it was just a thought whilst i was working, so shoot me :twisted: