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  • #272454

    First thing I did when I got that txt to say that Andrea had passed away was phone her, thank god she answered and is fine.

    I didnt know this other Giggles, but i hope she rests in peace


    I AM so very very sorry for all the upset i have caused by the post…………i was just asked to post the sad news, i wasnt aware there was two giggles…….

    please accept my sincere appologies…

    and to Andrea…………im so very sorry


    I think its time JC gave some serious consideration to a births, deaths, marriages and departures forum.

    This place is becoming cluttered with anouncements about peoples birthdays we have never heard of, people dying who we dont even know, births of babies we are never likely to (or want to) meet and people who announce their departure’s from this chatsite only to have to swallow their pride and come crawling back.

    If we had a seperate forum for all of this clutter then only the saddo’s who consider this place as “real life” would read and post in there and leave the rest of the boards for those who see this place for the break from the real world that it should be.



    @fastcars wrote:

    I think its time JC gave some serious consideration to a births, deaths, marriages and departures forum.

    This place is becoming cluttered with anouncements about peoples birthdays we have never heard of, people dying who we dont even know, births of babies we are never likely to (or want to) meet and people who announce their departure’s from this chatsite only to have to swallow their pride and come crawling back.

    If we had a seperate forum for all of this clutter then only the saddo’s who consider this place as “real life” would read and post in there and leave the rest of the boards for those who see this place for the break from the real world that it should be.

    FFS do u have to come on every thread and spoil things just cos u dont know a person doesnt mean they dont exist and the boards are for every kind of subject even Cyber life and btw u must be one of the saddo’s cos ur never away from the place


    What an excellent idea Fastcars. It could be a sort of permanent ‘In Memoriam’ board, riddled with people sobbing, howling, and wailing over the departure of loved ones that they didn’t know and have never actually met. Candles could be lit in their memory; prayers could be said; hymns could be sung; and streets bedecked with flowers.

    But wait …… there’s a problem ……..

    How will we ever REALLY know that the deceased person really is deceased (and not just diseased)??? Could this be a sort of authorised version of the well known ‘Internet Death Hoax” (see ‘Lil Angel’ and dozens more like it). We MUST have a way of actually proving that the person is really dead and won’t be miraculously resurrected after sufficient outpourings of grief have occurred.

    We already have an accidental death posting on this thread alone. (Will the real Giggles please stand up – the other one can’t ‘cos she’s dead). Can you imagine what it would be like if there was an entire Forum dedicated to this sort of thing?

    Maybe a solution is for those that actually knew the much loved deceased one to post photos of their corpse; or perhaps post a link to a news article that describes the manner of their demise.

    This clearly needs a lot more thought before we can take it any further. Any ideas on how to take this forward???


    Ahh … case of mistaken identity.

    Sorry to hear about the Giggles who died but I didn’t know her.

    Glad to hear that Andrea “Giggles” is alive and well though.


    does ANYONE actually know the irish giggles then???????



    @fastcars wrote:

    I think its time JC gave some serious consideration to a births, deaths, marriages and departures forum.

    This place is becoming cluttered with anouncements about peoples birthdays we have never heard of, people dying who we dont even know, births of babies we are never likely to (or want to) meet and people who announce their departure’s from this chatsite only to have to swallow their pride and come crawling back.

    If we had a seperate forum for all of this clutter then only the saddo’s who consider this place as “real life” would read and post in there and leave the rest of the boards for those who see this place for the break from the real world that it should be.

    DIBKNOB !!! I have to agree with Sue on this one !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    What an excellent idea Fastcars. It could be a sort of permanent ‘In Memoriam’ board, riddled with people sobbing, howling, and wailing over the departure of loved ones that they didn’t know and have never actually met. Candles could be lit in their memory; prayers could be said; hymns could be sung; and streets bedecked with flowers.

    But wait …… there’s a problem ……..

    How will we ever REALLY know that the deceased person really is deceased (and not just diseased)??? Could this be a sort of authorised version of the well known ‘Internet Death Hoax” (see ‘Lil Angel’ and dozens more like it). We MUST have a way of actually proving that the person is really dead and won’t be miraculously resurrected after sufficient outpourings of grief have occurred.

    We already have an accidental death posting on this thread alone. (Will the real Giggles please stand up – the other one can’t ‘cos she’s dead). Can you imagine what it would be like if there was an entire Forum dedicated to this sort of thing?

    Maybe a solution is for those that actually knew the much loved deceased one to post photos of their corpse; or perhaps post a link to a news article that describes the manner of their demise.

    This clearly needs a lot more thought before we can take it any further. Any ideas on how to take this forward???

    PB i dont/didn’t know any of the “Giggles” but even so i think you could have been a little more tactful in your reply for the sake of real life/internet friends of “Giggles” reading this post. A births/marriages/deaths forum would make more sense (for the JC community you like to advertise this as) and be more worthwhile than a “hello/goodnight” thread. Just a thought #-o



    I have to say im shocked at the way people here take the urine out of someones Death just because they didnt know them ,,,, does`nt make it ok you know !!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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