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  • #274997


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Gerry! Gerry! Gerry!

    Nicky has no hope against him.

    Still fixed though innit :twisted:

    Shazza me old mucka hows things darlin x


    @oss wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    Gerry! Gerry! Gerry!

    Nicky has no hope against him.

    Still fixed though innit :twisted:

    Shazza me old mucka hows things darlin x

    Great now me puters back…. you?



    @sharongooner wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    Gerry! Gerry! Gerry!

    Nicky has no hope against him.

    Still fixed though innit :twisted:

    Shazza me old mucka hows things darlin x

    Great now me puters back…. you?

    Great darlin, had a good week in the UK on a course, and went on the pish in pompey a couple of nights lol. That was a mistake lol, drinking till 4 in the morning and starting the course at 8am haha. But all was well in the end :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @oss wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @oss wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    Gerry! Gerry! Gerry!

    Nicky has no hope against him.

    Still fixed though innit :twisted:

    Shazza me old mucka hows things darlin x

    Great now me puters back…. you?

    Great darlin, had a good week in the UK on a course, and went on the pish in pompey a couple of nights lol. That was a mistake lol, drinking till 4 in the morning and starting the course at 8am haha. But all was well in the end :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Thats the way to do it lol!!! Anything to brighten up a course ay!!


    Lets hope tonight nobhead nicky is out. I can see her getting a large percent of the votes.


    LOVING it…

    AS the crowd continues their “Get Charley Out” chants, Davina is ready to announce the sixth eviction of BB8.

    Davina: Big Brother House, this is Davina. You are live on Channel 4, please do not swear. The lines have closed and the votes have been counted and verified by an independent abjudicator and I can now reveal the sixth person to be evicted from the BB house is . . .(annoying pause while I run into town, buy the last Harry Potter book and make it back for the announcement) . . . NICKY!

    The crowd erupts in a chorus of cheers and boos while some people in the crowd continue to chant “Get Charley Out”.

    Davina: Nicky, you have 30 minutes to say your good byes and I will be coming top get you.

    Camera moves to focus on housemates reactions.

    Nicky: I knew it would be me. I’m ready to go.

    Charley: OMG! I can’t believe this! What are my public thinking taking my best friend away from me? I’m just being honest, right, but I know the public hate Gerry, I heard them say ‘Get Gerry Out’ when Davina was telling me how much the public love me! I know the public love me more than Nicky because I was out there! They hate Gerry though, I’m not bein funny, yeah, but The. Public. Don’t. Like. You. Gerry.

    Gerry: Well, obviously the public don’t hate me as I was not voted out, Nicky was.

    Nicky: Why state the obvious, Gerry? We all know I was evicted. I don’t care that I was evicted. I’m ready to go home. You always have to state the obvious. I know I was evicted and you were not. Just leave it Gerry! I’m not going to talk to you about this anymore.

    Gerry: That’s fine. All I said was . . .

    Nicky: Gerry, I asked you to leave it, but you won’t. You just keep going on and on about it. I’m leaving. I’m fine with that and I want to leave. No reason for you to keep bringing it up every 5 seconds!

    Gerry: I haven’t said anything!

    Nicky: Just shut up about it Gerry! I don’t want to argue about it anymore. Why do you continue to bring it up? You have to have the last word in every argument.

    Camera moves back onto Davina outside the house.

    Davina: (gurns) She just can’t help herself, can she? Join me back here in 30 minutes for Nicky’s interview.

    30 minutes later . . .

    The crowd erupts in a chorus of cheers and boos while some people in the crowd continue to chant “Get Charley Out”.

    Davina: Welcome back. I’m just going to talk to the house. Big Brother House, this is Davina. You are live on Channel 4, please do not swear. Nicky, say your last good byes, you have 30 seconds.

    Voice over: Nicky. You have been evicted. Please leave the Big Brother house. Nicky. You have been evicted. Please leave the Big Brother house.

    Nicky: Gerry, just leave it! I know I am being evicted, you don’t have to keep repeating it! Just leave it, I’m going!

    Gerry: That’s not me, that’s the Big Brother voice over.

    Nicky: Whatever Gerry, I’m tired of arguing about it. Why do you have to keep repeating that I am being evicted?

    Charley: OMG! I can’t believe this is happening! This is just wrong! I’m just being honest, yeah, the public LOVE me! When you get out there, tell them that I love all of them! You will see all these people with T-shirts on with my face on them! I ain’t being funny, yeah, but they will probably boo you because they all love me SOOOOO MUCH!!

    The door unlocks, and Nicky walks up the stairs. The front door opens and in a state of shock she faces the crowd.

    The crowd erupts in a chorus of cheers and boos while some people in the crowd continue to chant “Get Charley Out”.

    Davina: Ladies and Gentleman, it’s Nicky!

    Davina: (Gurns) Join me after the break and we will hear all about Nicky’s time in the house.

    Camera cuts to adverts. Camera back in the studio.

    Davina: How are you feeling right now, Nicky?

    Nicky: I’m fine, I’m happy to be out.

    Davina: You seemed to find life in the BB house a bit difficult at times.

    Nicky: I was so bored and some of the housemates really got on my nerves.

    Davina: It’s now 10:18 pm (gurns)

    Nicky: Oh, very funny! That was totally ridiculous the way Gerry kept going on about the time. Who cares what time it is when you are in the house? It’s not like we had to leave for a meeting or something.

    Davina: Why do you think you were nominated?

    Nicky: I don’t know, I’m a fun person, dammit!

    Davina: You did seem to get a bit obsessive about food sometimes.

    Nicky: I did not! I never obsess about anything and it’s a bit cheeky to suggest that I might obsess about food. The only one who was obsessed with food is Carole. It’s all she ever talks about!

    Davina: Who do you think nominated you?

    Nicky: Gerry, Ziggy, Chanelle, and Carole.

    (Cue VT of Carole, Gerry, Liam, and Ziggy nominations)

    Davina: Any surprises there?

    Nicky: Not really, well maybe a bit surprised about Liam. I knew Gerry had nominated me, he goes on and on about the stupidest things. Why go on and on about the time? There is no need for that, as I asked him not to tell me the time. If he wants to know the time, he can look but not to mention it in my presence.

    Camera fades out


    I really dont have to watch it now!! ^^ all that is so how its gonna be.

    You even sound like Nicky!!


    its NOT my work Shazz..its a female from the BB forums . (suzi q)who gets it damm right every week.and i so adore her witterings.

    I think she got nicky down to a tee there..

    but i cant claim its mine.although i feel the same :)


    God she really was a moany cow wasnt she, I never realised how bad she was! She needs to chill out a bit.


    I wanna know what divna ment at the end if they save charley a f00king again im turnIng off

    Il go drag the bit ch out by her hair extensions me self TUT :evil: :evil:

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