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  • #274967

    @rubyred wrote:

    lol watch these bunny boiler clips with thalia (poo) in them to see what she is capable of in flirting stakes..ziggy wont stand a chance.

    hehe rubes ave sin a few of those clips b4. on one she cops a right slap from sum blokes bird. :lol:


    my fave is the tarot one,where she ignores the female of the couple,and informs the male that he is gonna meet someone better than his present G/f who “takes it in the ass” :_)


    oh I think Carol, Tracy are on to it that something is not right with ‘Poo’ comin in… i wonder if Tracy will rem where she knows her face from….

    and ziggy what a rite ar5ewipe he is he’s begining to get on my tits… he knows how to play Channel right off ….. i hope she is the one whom gets evicted then hears what has been said etc…. might bring her out her naivity…..

    and I have noticed that there’s not soo much coverage of Charley… has she mellowed any… I still don’t like her and her gob…..


    can you bleedin believe it fake eviction and Charley is finally up…. i hope she is evicted then when she’s back in they all vote her the following week out and she has to face the boo’in audenice not once but twice mind ya this lass think she will be loved by the public as her own heid is that far up her own ar5e…!!!


    u know ,as much as charley irritates me she IS entertaining ! Id NEVER be a close friend in real life.BUT at least she makes ya watch..unlike the twins,who avoid eviction by being “no-bodies”…GERRY, channelle are far more tedious and MUST be removed first..Charley WONT win,,but i see her in for the long run.

    Brians a pure fake. a laughable buffoon ..

    Tracey is mellowy Vertical..

    get nicky,Gerry and Channele oot first !


    Oh I so cant wait to watch tonights show…. just wish it was nicky but know its going to be charley……….. should be entertaining thoue


    hello there ms gooner and nice to see you again..yeah im already for tonight too,,got me supplies in and gonna get the feet up .. party afterwards,,be there or be square :) xx


    Watcha Rubes………. glad you are well and have not changed a bit lol!!!

    Im so gonna love watching her (Charley) going back in! I just wish there were more people in there to give her as good as she gives. I would!! :wink:


    wb shazza!!!!………….i fink if they evict nicky she will refuse to go back in. read in the paper that they have drafted in extra security fa if charley gets evicted lmaooooooooo.


    theres something going on :)….the channel 4 forum kept telling ya to check back for more details and now its down ( the site) ,,seemingly got the S,a,S involved,,but its all hype innit ? uncorked me wine.ordered my sweet n sour..all I need now is some boring tele sales person to call me insisting i really NEED a new kitchen ! no way jose :)

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