I dont see how this article was poor reporting . Have muslims worked there
Myself im a hindu and as i understand it Judaism Christianity Islaam
Catholicism are all branches of the same tree with their roots in the middle
east so i dont understand all the centurys of infighting between them, or
the furore over this article.
What i will say though is i do not understand the need for muslims around the world
to be treated with due care,why not do as they do. Did you know that in
most of the middle east you can only practice islaam or risk inprisonment.
Even in the glorious mecca for shopping that is Dubai you are only allowed
to pray in designated buildings.Many a person has been arrested and sent
to prison in Dubai merely for handing out leaflets about the word of christ
to tourists.
The Church of England springs to mind if our government had the courage
to do as the islaamic states and say do as we do or go home how many would?
Id just have to hide in my house and pray just like the many folk in the
Middle East.
something about shoe and other foot on the tip of me tongue
go google about see for yourself