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31 October, 2010 at 11:57 am #451281
@kent f OBE wrote:
@wakeupdeadisgodlike wrote:
@kent f OBE wrote:
don’t turn into a food critic because your son enjoyed last nights meal ;)
I gave Rose a much much simpler receipe (like the one I made the other day and my son was shocked it was so tasty) and she’s tried it and said it was deliscous…unless she was sparing my feelings :lol:
Coconut milk is used more in cooking in Southern India…Kerala etc…I’ve been in Indian restaurants and not even known what some of the dishes are. Most of the dishes are reformulated and designed for the English palate.
A vindaloo does not exist anywhere in India.yeah i have heard that before kenty.. and up here they make up curries like punjabi masala, and probably laugh as they cook it. I got garam masala and all spice from a pal who went to india.the difference is phenomonal. but i stand by pataks madras paste too :) and add mango chutney to their Rogan josh to make a fine Pathia. cheating? hell yeah , but it works.
31 October, 2010 at 2:52 pm #451282mmmmmm can almost smell the curry yum yum, “creamed coconut” instead of coconut milk thickens the curry :wink:
31 October, 2010 at 3:45 pm #451283A vindaloo does exist in India (Goa – google it if ya don’t believe me!) , but a tikka masala doesn’t, well probs now cos of tourists, but they made it up in the UK!
31 October, 2010 at 4:07 pm #451284Vindaloo might exist in India now, but it was imported by the Portugese.
Like the UK, India has had more than its fair share of immigrants that bring their own dishes that then get adapted and adopted into the culture. “curry” seems to have become a catch-all for any meal that has a variety of spices and served with rice, with each country having its own variations.
31 October, 2010 at 4:11 pm #451285The term vindaloo derives from the Portuguese dish “Carne de Vinha d’ Alhos
just copied and pasted it – it is the TERM that came from the Portuguese, not the dish!
31 October, 2010 at 4:44 pm #451286The original dish and the name came from the Portuguese, it was a garlic and vinegar flavoured stew, the Goans simply added spice to it, a classic case of immigrants bringing their own dish then it being adapted and adopted into the culture.
Almost every meal in the British culture has had a similar treatment, imported by immigrants then adapted to our culture and taste. Same can be said for every country in the world to a greater or lesser degree.
31 October, 2010 at 5:26 pm #451287If you say so, but that is not what it says if you google it!
31 October, 2010 at 8:05 pm #451288Thanks very much for that masterchef. I’ve been to london this week and did infact stock up on spices, believe it or not they are so much cheaper there, the only one I havent got is the mustard seeds nevertheless I shall make it next weekend! My son says fgs mother most women come here to buy clothes and all you go back with is a bag of spices! :)
Well infact I did have a trip to Oxford Street with his partner and trust me never again! Since I was last there the population must have increased ten fold, you couldn’t move in any of the shops and I was begging for a nebulizer and a Gin and Tonic after 10 minutes! :x
31 October, 2010 at 8:20 pm #45128931 October, 2010 at 9:04 pm #451290@Rosepetal wrote:
Thanks very much for that masterchef. I’ve been to london this week and did infact stock up on spices, believe it or not they are so much cheaper there, the only one I havent got is the mustard seeds nevertheless I shall make it next weekend! My son says fgs mother most women come here to buy clothes and all you go back with is a bag of spices! :)
Well infact I did have a trip to Oxford Street with his partner and trust me never again! Since I was last there the population must have increased ten fold, you couldn’t move in any of the shops and I was begging for a nebulizer and a Gin and Tonic after 10 minutes! :x
Oxford St? ya kidding? try tooting broadway – can get every spice under the sun!
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