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  • #436475

    Awwwww no need to leave NCb…you know there are people here who like and care about you, you don’t need to be named in a list to know that :)

    besides, I don’t want to have to keep dusting your corner again, it’s hard work!


    OI what about me i been here forever (it feels like) either as Tracker or Pete I don’t see my name on any list, i shall now sulk….. nah bollocks to that


    I don’t appear on any list either…you know they have A-listers and B-listers in the celeb mags? Shall we start a no-listers club?

    And I’ve only been around on jc for 4 years…guess I’m still a newbie compared to you and NCb :P


    :shock: :lol:


    oooooh I’m not posing without make up…gotta have a little mascara even if I don’t have anything else…what about you Pete? A touch of blusher? :wink: :lol:


    I was going to but luckily i found this site


    I can’t post without my slap on :cry:


    lol, i’ve got some good roleplay stories :)


    @ice man wrote:

    lol, i’ve got some good roleplay stories :)

    gawd, where did u drag this post up from lol
    and …..shhhh :-$ :-


    lol looks like many need draggin up as it seems very quiet around here these days lol

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