Are there any other Rocky fanatics out there? If so, what did you think of the movie? I was skeptical at first, seeing that Rocky 5 basically crashed and burned in my book. Nobody wants to see a mentally challenged Rocky. But in my humble opinion, 6 more than made up for 5. Inspirational as always and the training scene did not disappoint. And of course, his love for Adrian flows throughout the movie. I thought it really stayed true to Rocky 1 and that’s what I was hoping for. There is just something about the Rocky saga that I can relate to. My mom and sisters can’t understand why I have a Rocky poster in my workout room, a Rocky ring tone on my cell and of course, the Rocky soundtrack. Yes, I do realize that Rocky is a character in a movie, but I do get Enthused watching him. :P
Now, please excuse me. It’s time to hit the heavy bag :lol: :lol: :wink: