Boards Index General discussion Getting serious robert mugabe to murder millions

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    robert mugabe has ordered all aid agencies ou of zimbabwe immediateley. he states that aid agencies are working for the opposition in the run up to the next rigged election. starving millions into voting for him or dying. this has to be the catalyst for mugabe, but he is so evil, he doesnt care that the world can see his evil sceme. its a shame that there is no oil or massive gold mines or mr bush and brown would be in there to save the “people” tomorrow. [yeah rite] should we as a nation intervene ? or should we allow this mass murder to take place. incidentally over a third of people in zimbabwe have aids. and over half are h.i.v positive. should we be saving them of allowing nature to take its course ?


    I agree with your sentiments entirely, Waspish.(well, with the exception of your HIV comments) In fact, I expounded on the topic in Current Affairs prior to spotting your own here.
    Hey ho, the more of us who stick it to the evil auld bugger, the better!


    If he hasnt got oil or weapons of mass destruction, he will be left alone to continue his evilness.

    What a mad world it is.


    @waspish wrote:

    ………incidentally over a third of people in zimbabwe have aids. and over half are h.i.v positive. should we be saving them of allowing nature to take its course ?

    Nature will inevitably take its course quite irrespective of any intervention by the West – or collective hand wringing by trendy liberals safe in their little committees etc.

    It’s not only Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) but practically all of Africa that in infected with the scourge of HIV/AIDS. Eventually it will kill off millions of them and there’s not a damn thing that can be done about it.


    The sad thing is, is that nobody in the West really gives a sh*t what happens in black Africa. Western governments are more than happy to let black Africans get on with things in their own way, taking the view that they’re not much good for anything except slaughtering each other! Ah well, the truth can be a bitter pill.


    It can be and perhaps it is ….. but that is the African way.

    Over time we’ve poured billions of dollars / pounds into African economies to try to improve the lot of the ‘people’ and without exception their leaders have either stolen it, or it has been pissed down the drain.

    By and large and in spite of the lip service paid by trendy lefties and liberal intellectuals, the ‘man in the street’ doesn’t really give a tuppeny damn about African problems. Currently, we have enough home grown ones to be getting on with.


    I think the west does care about black Africa – think of all the solidarity that led to the eventual fall of the apartheid regime in Sout Africa. Look at live aid and the work of other big aid charities all over Africa. Even if this has failed, the effort has been considerable.

    Zimbabwe is difficult because its problems are internal and it doesn’t appear to threaten its neighbours. The only way to get rid of Zanu PF is by force, which would mean invasion and war. I know that’s happened elswehere, like Afghanistan, Iraq and former Yugoslavia, but intervention in Zimbabwe would probably cause even more suffering than there is already.

    If Britain or other western countries intervene in Zimbabwe, Zanu PF will twist it as a war by the white man agains blacks. Iraq taught us this, if nothing else – the fact that Iraqis were unable to topple their leader for 25 years but 150,000 people could come half-way round the world, invade and topple him after 3 weeks must have been humiliating to the people even if they were grateful too, initially. That is why the perception of the west waging war on islam was able to spread so easily.


    Mugabe is a cuunt and if he had oil would have been assinated by now


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Mugabe is a cuunt and if he had oil would have been assinated by now

    my point preciseley, so why has mugabe been left to do as he pleases with the people of zimbabwe, we were quick enough to help him topple smith and co, but not to rid africe of a genocidal megolomaniac. could it be because most africans are poor and diseased. and after they all die of aids the land will be up for the biggest land grab of all tie ? imajine how many blocks of inflated price flats and leisure centres they can build then ? why dont we just dive in there and shoot all the poor bugars and get it over with ?


    i am not that hot on the fine details but is Mugabe and his true “clan ” (not the ones that are too scared to go against him )big enough to warrant a war on them ? wouldnt some kind of undercover spy assassin snipers be a better idea if we have to get involved ?
    But i do agree with PB also there is enough trouble and poverty and killings etc etc in our own country to worry abt at the moment, thats if we had enough soldiers to stretch what with the afghan , iraq wars going on we are thin enough on the ground.

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