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24 May, 2017 at 11:54 pm #1045297
This is a remembrance thread, not a political discussion.
The political discussion has been split and can be found here:
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25 May, 2017 at 4:52 am #1045352This is a remembrance thread, not a political discussion. The political discussion has been split and can be found here:
Thank You Martin đ
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
Diamond Destiny.
25 May, 2017 at 8:32 am #1045359Every single respect thread gets turned into a political slagging off session in this place. Show some respect take your political bickering somewhere else eh ? đĄ
It’s wrong to say that people who talk politics about this event have no respect.
It’s a political bombing – apparently, according to his sister, the bomber was a man who was enraged by the bombing of Muslim children in Syria.
Killing children anywhere is one of the direst crimes in the book, but it’s political, too.
Tjhis slaughter is leading to troops being deployed and a possible state of emergency in this country. Such a state exists in France.
You want to split the political side, that’s up to martin, but it’s nasty, even disrespectful towards the victims, to turn a respect thread for the innocent victims of a political slaughter into a jc slagoff of people who see this thing politically.
25 May, 2017 at 8:57 am #104536325 May, 2017 at 9:16 am #1045374Arc, you show some bloody respect.
I’ve accepted martin’s decision to split the thread.
My complaint is against you and others who want to turn a respect thread into a slagoff of other people in jc.
I was as deepl7y upset as anyone at this event, and when they showed the picture of the 8 year-old girl it was heart-rending. A beautiful girl at the start of her life, excited at the thought of going to and being at a concert, suddenly has her life ended in act of absolute horror.
I reacted by writing revolting on the word of the day, then wrote in the respect thread. I was deeply impressed by the people of Manchester and their quiet dignity, and was saying explicitly that this shows how superior our way of care for life compared to the ISIS obsession with death.
I objhect deeply when I’m told I’m a f*ckwit and then slagged off for making political points by you.
If martin wants to separate the political points, that’s up to him. I’ll accept that.
What I won’t accept is the jc slagoff that i don’t care about the killings. That is my complaint.
How deeply insulting, a though only you and people like you care!
The, when I complain about this insult, I’m told to have respect – by you!!
The event is too shocking for you8r slagoffs. We all react to this horror differently. Keep you or jc insults to yourself.
I’m thinking of this with as much respect as you are.
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25 May, 2017 at 11:32 am #1045425You are all talking about respect, well Matrin has acted with no respect at all. Last night I posted a memorial here to remember a friend who died, and all victims of terror.
If that isn’t disrespectful then I don’t know what is.
25 May, 2017 at 11:43 am #1045433Drac with all due respect, your post was in French. No one understood what it said, (unless there is anyone else who speaks French)? Secondly, if you want to start a thread remembering other victims of terror, including your friend, why not start a separate thread for them?
This thread is for Manchester, specifically.
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25 May, 2017 at 11:51 am #1045441You all reveal your true hypocrisy by reacting to an actual remembrance like this, just because the wrong person made it. Of course I posted it in French, that was the language that we spoke in, and people call me a racist xenophobe, what a joke.
I know that you couldn’t read it, but I called for all victms of terror to be remembered, including those of Manchester.
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25 May, 2017 at 2:43 pm #1045548Her Majesty has visited the children in hospital, which was really nice of her. Bet it made their day.
25 May, 2017 at 10:47 pm #1045683Places cards on the table. I sent an email to Martin asking him to step in as some were talking over again for the wrong reason. Would I do it again ? Yes. Do I think I was the only person to ask Martin to help ? No. Please keep religion out of others threads. It’s not the 1st time a few of you have done it !!
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