Boards Index General discussion Getting serious RIP to the great mind and atheist Stephen Hawkings

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  • #1091764

    I don’t approach these things with the same certainty you do. Scientists don’t approach things with your level of certainty.

    Maybe try using a bit more “certainty”. That’s all Hawkins did. He was quite certain 2+2=4. He was able to build on that with some very clever and advanced mathematics and physics, and as rudeboy so succinctly put,

    used his understand of physics , the cosmos which is far greater than yours or mine to come to an informed view that on the balance of probability there is no God and describes himself as an atheist

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by  Morgan..

    I’ve been thinking of people like you and rudeboy and ‘Morgan’ as among those who spat in the face of Jesus and taunted him

    Why can’t Jesus be mocked any more than you or I ? It is possible he never even existed. What exactly is so evil about mocking Jesus? Does mocking Jesus upset or offend you? Does mocking Allah upset or offend you?

    Have you ever seen Life of Brian?

    Would you like to see stronger Blasphemy Laws in the UK? like they have in Pakistan or Afghanistan? so as Jesus wouldn’t be so quick to be mocked?



    You can’t mock or spit in the face of ‘ something’ you don’t believe in. However you can mock and offend people who do believe , also not acceptable.


    Hi Scep, have to say I’m quite surprised at you engaging once more in this debate on Good Friday, given we were all given a telling off for continuing to debate the issue of God at such a sacred time for you believers  leading up to Easter ???  unsure:




    You can’t mock or spit in the face of ‘ something’ you don’t believe in. However you can mock and offend people who do believe , also not acceptable.

    Not acceptable to you maybe, I’ll continue to mock religion for the nonsense it is.




    And ultimately… Easter has its roots in paganism and was widely celebrated as a pagan festival before being  appropriated by early Christianity and the Church. Nowhere in the New Testament, which is often quoted during these debates, is Easter celebrated.


    “Easter is a pagan festival. If Easter isn’t really about Jesus, then what is it about? Today, we see a secular culture celebrating the spring equinox, whilst religious culture celebrates the resurrection. However, early Christianity made a pragmatic acceptance of ancient pagan practises, most of which we enjoy today at Easter.”





    However you can mock and offend people who do believe , also not acceptable.

    I’m not sure if I read this properly or if there’s a typo, but anyway.

    I agree people shouldn’t be mocked for their religion, equally non believers shouldn’t be mocked either.


    However, I agree in the freedom of speech even stronger. Monty Python mocked the crap out of Jesus with their film A Life of Brian and that was 40 odd years ago. We have moved on since then.

    So my freedom of speech actually allows me to give an opinion, as long as it doesn’t incite hatred or racism etc. Not everyone will like my opinions, some will take offence. But,

    My right to express my opinion is greater than your right to take offence.

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    My right to express my opinion is greater  than your right to take offence : good point….i took offence once……the farmer wasn’t happy and chased me off with his shotgun….LMAO

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    He wasnt fussed about the fence, he just didn’t like you bothering the sheep

    Hee Hee 

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