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15 March, 2018 at 2:19 pm #1089496
i can not blv in a book what i have heard has no fact or and not all fact, but yes it is a naïve opnion, but i do plan to read religous books, to see if i can change my stubborn opnion.
most facts in life cud actually be fiction or and partly fiction, people cud just make something blv to controll people, also if all humans was religous, why dont all follow a relgion? maybe as the religous books are fictional or partly fictional book/s.
also supposly clever people dont blv in them religous books, why is that then?, i am not stereotyping aswell it is just what i have heard i dont know if it is true or not, as i have met online and offline clever people, but they are also dumb at things,
whoever has read all the book religous or not, why dont u explain why u blv in it, i mean facts not some belief.
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
15 March, 2018 at 3:07 pm #1089503Blaise pascal Google if you don’t know who he is said it best I lose little if god doesn’t exist and have maximum gain if I’m correct that he does
That’s no argument for God, it’s argument for delusion in nothing lost by kidology. You may as well say, I believe I will find a million pounds under my door mat on my 65 th birthday to guarantee a glorious retirement and there is nothing to lose if it’s not there.
Don’t worry about not understanding the meaning of his quote only truly intelligent people do
lol behave, I understand that your belief is if you believe in something and it isnt there you lose nothing, but that doesn’t add credibility to it existing.
15 March, 2018 at 3:12 pm #1089506JN, start with the tale of a man possessed by a herd of pigs in the book of Matthew.. then you realise why academics mock this bilge for the horsesh1t it is or in this case pig sh1t. As soon as someone starts quoting the bible as factual evidence, you know it’s another one of the mentally ill brigade.
15 March, 2018 at 3:23 pm #1089509Blaise pascal Google if you don’t know who he is said it best I lose little if god doesn’t exist and have maximum gain if I’m correct that he does
That’s no argument for God, it’s argument for delusion in nothing lost by kidology. You may as well say, I believe I will find a million pounds under my door mat on my 65 th birthday to guarantee a glorious retirement and there is nothing to lose if it’s not there.
Don’t worry about not understanding the meaning of his quote only truly intelligent people do
lol behave, I understand that your belief is if you believe in something and it isnt there you lose nothing, but that doesn’t add credibility to it existing.
Nope think more schrodingers cat and then you might understand the quote
15 March, 2018 at 4:04 pm #1089514Perhaps you could explain it in layman terms Paige to benefit from your great wisdom/ philosophical insight in the matter.
15 March, 2018 at 4:59 pm #1089519Like the cat can be considered both dead and alive god can both exist and not exist until the box is opened you’ll never know so why take the more negative view which is what pascal is getting at
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15 March, 2018 at 5:49 pm #1089522Great man, great sence of humour, seems weve all learnt from The Big Bang Theory lol
15 March, 2018 at 6:40 pm #1089526Until I read Hawkins , I always thought the big bang was shagg1ng fat fiona at number 24
15 March, 2018 at 6:42 pm #1089527Like the cat can be considered both dead and alive god can both exist and not exist until the box is opened you’ll never know so why take the more negative view which is what pascal is getting at
That analogy doesn’t ring true as if God doesn’t exist we will never know as we will be dead unaware of anything.
15 March, 2018 at 7:54 pm #1089531Hawkins did not invent the Big Bang theory
He worked with it. Sorry to disappoint.
Other scientists always said that A Brief History of Time was the most-sold and least-read book in scientific history.
He had a wonderful exploratory mind, but I’m not sure what is going to be left of lasting value in it all – apart from an ability to explain advanced cosmology to the interested reader, and a record of human aspiration which disproves his own theory that we’re all just a bunch of advanced monkeys living on a small planet. Still, not a bad legacy.
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
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