Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › RIP to the great mind and atheist Stephen Hawkings
17 March, 2018 at 2:14 pm #1089779
his greatest achievement was appearing in the simpsons
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17 March, 2018 at 2:20 pm #1089780this is becoming a thread about Christ more than about Hawking.
I don’t find it interesting, or useful to talk about individual people, I prefer discuss ideas and concepts.
I think it was a good thing that Hawkins died, he has said some strange things in the last few years such as that we should shut down all radio broadcasts so that aliens don’t invade, and that AI will kill everyone.
It is best that his legacy should not be that of a consipracy theorist, but as a great scientist. Both in terms of research, and in attracting public insterest in physics. He was also a role model for the disabled, he showed the world that anything is achievable if you work hard enough for it.
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17 March, 2018 at 3:58 pm #1089782I thought Rudeboy opened up the thread into a wider debate by introducing god and religion into it in his first two posts, so I don’t understand why Sceptical has an issue with that. If you express strong religious views on these boards while mocking the likes of Stephen Hawkins then of course they are going to be challenged.
Was Hawkins a genius? Subjective of course. Among his peer group he was considered a ‘shining star’, even by his doubters. Most major scientific breakthroughs are an amalgam of other peoples work, or ideas. To place Einstein as the barometer of “genius” is clearly ludicrous and completely misses the point. What makes no apparent sense now might make sense at a later time when someone else joins up the dots, or researches further.
If you accept science is real and ‘exists’, then you deny the existence of a god by default. The universe and everything in it could NOT possibly have been created in six days. Science definitely tells us that the Earth formed over many millions of years.
17 March, 2018 at 4:31 pm #1089784I didn’t mock Hawkins, Gerry. Quite the opposite
That myth was dispelled early in the thread.a while ago.
I’m happy to discuss religion in the light of Hawkins.
But making up fictitious books like The Book of Paul and then attacking them a fiction seems an odd way to go about things.
It seems that nobody has much to say about what Hawkins actually did. We all agree that he was continually shaking up scientific thinkking, especially about black holes.
He also failed in his attempt to get a Grand Universal Theory of everything. Good on him for the attempt.
But, genius or not,
what was his lasting legacy for science, Gerry?
Or does that all lie to future posterity?
17 March, 2018 at 4:55 pm #1089786Stephen Hawkins achieved far more in his one lifetime than those mocking him now ever will, in this life or their immortal after life and according to their religion, their god, Hawkins is now burning in hell for all damnation…
17 March, 2018 at 5:00 pm #1089788I didn’t mock Hawkins, Gerry. Quite the opposite That myth was dispelled early in the thread.a while ago.
Yes you did. No it wasn’t, just because you say so, now. Blinking font has gone clear, you’re not educated enough to a high enough standard, to have an educated opinion about Hawkins work. Not a personal attack, just the cold hard brutal truth…
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
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17 March, 2018 at 5:32 pm #1089793moosey….
My post wasnt meant to be patronising, sorry if it came across like that.
The point I was trying to make was that for me, my faith is about love. Love, tolerance and fogiveness. I agree that some Christians are obnoxious, hypocritical, closed minded people and some atheists are loving, generous, kind people.
Do I believe in the bible? Not really read enough to judge but I would think it is more a guide than a rule book.
Do I believe I was created? Absolutely. I dont think life is just a cosmic accident.
Will I be judged? Who knows? Im running with the idea I will be though.
Was Christ the son of God? Well he definitely existed and he was definitely crucified and there is something very, very odd about his burial shroud. Side note on this, Who moved the stone? written by a skeptic is an intersting read
17 March, 2018 at 6:41 pm #1089800What Stephen Hawking’s great legacy is, is that he was the greatest communicator of his day, in his field. He was able to bring the very complex world of Cosmology, Astronomy, Astro- Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Space and Time, and many other branches of Science, into quite simplistic layman’s terms. With his best seller A Brief History of Time, he was the leading light of his era, and ours. His book has been an eye opener and great help for millions of people who aren’t educated enough to even begin to take on these subjects and ideas, to begin to understand, due to his communication skills.
His greatest achievements and his awards are based in communication and writing as much as Science.
17 March, 2018 at 6:45 pm #108980217 March, 2018 at 6:52 pm #1089806I liked that past post before it was changed. Just saying like. :)
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
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