Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › RIP Daniel – Why Bullying Sucks
2 September, 2017 at 11:17 pm #1067972
Wow…I am so very very grateful to you, and so humble, and honest to say wow, your point so beautifully done. Man had wrong impression of you as we often had difficult time perhaps misunderstood. But lord if I could hug and kiss you, squeeze and shake your hand, would do in a heart beat..
God bless you. Hope after all.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooo linda
3 September, 2017 at 1:31 am #1067993ha idk who u are lindaclemenza7
do i know u what chatter name did i know u as?
(anyway yes i mean people think i am the troll but they dont know me in person and dont know what i know about people, i have been bullyied in my life but i have more of a strong mind now, but still people try and make me hate me self but i just think them type of people have some type of mental prob/s or and mental condtion, i know a lot about pyhology [yes i can not spell goof thou lol]yes i might not know all about the brain but i blv i know what all people need to know.)
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3 September, 2017 at 1:51 am #1067996Yes, am who you first reported. F3 gal…
Well let us just say usually nasty to me some folks, think you came in and truly missed what was going on. Joking often is hard to recognize here. What suppose to be funny against another usually not, serious, funny.. understand? No disrespect just got use to people saying don’t understand what write about. Have to explain too often. Tiresome…Yeah my spelling typos off lately too. Using stick pen. Think needs replacement, puts up letters not punched in by me….
Yes I too a psychology major, as well as was a teacher assistant in college for 3 professors in that course and few others. Took so many neuroscience courses myself, that my own brain was fried at end. Was not going to be a Doctor, needed to take course for college degree. Very very hard courses.
Live in new York State.
And your going to ask sure, will answer, best I can, work in one agency which works with many other multiple agencies helping people.Thanks again for awesome thread. Was good.
3 September, 2017 at 2:15 am #1067998erm, i dont report people other than one person called – billy…. anyway u seem like a kind person i am normaly in f2 use to be in f1, i dont really go in f3 so idk who it was it must of been someone cloning me as i use to get many clones, so they must of reported u, i weill let u know who i know who clones me – @anth-2 , @divineintervention , JUSTBOY………. them 3 chatters are not happy in life so they troll people to make them feel good. i mean DIV and ANTH normaly get drunk or and stoned then prob troll me mostly then beat some women up then have a sleep ANTH likes to kick his female dog to make him feel better, DIV is some old folk who has his own company but he is not happy that is worse than someone who have not tryed in life oh well, what can we do for people like them (toddler brain) chatters, JUSTBOY is some asion who wants a visa as he is getting abuse from someone in his country so obv he like others do try and get a better life, anyway nice to see u see u nice.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
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3 September, 2017 at 2:24 am #10680033 September, 2017 at 2:35 am #1068005Justnothing…
That day was hell everywhere I posted in..
Just remember some nasty comment, then your face and a chat guide host picture in one space. Apparently she was you, chat guide martin was her with red hair. All very confusing.Maybe I or 2 weeks ago started to look in both areas. F1 f2..
F1- new people come in was nice thread, next thing few jumped in asking sex, what like, up for it..nasty feeling.
F2 nice too and then others jumped in with some stuff. Merlin went after me saying he knew all me from f3..shoot what he know..all went to shit…Only came in here to acknowledge my appreciation for sharing…
Trying to tidy things up in f3 as been trying to just walk away.. sadly, I am still entertainment, trying again to clear air so can fully get out. But get tossed in a mix, and then goes a stray…so till my name not connected feel have to defend, me.
I am my most best advocate cause fighting for me against nasty responses..Be well.
3 September, 2017 at 1:03 pm #1068023that is odd as i am no mod and like i said i have only report BILLY to martin or another mod as i have evidence of him being a showing that he cud be a pedo, i dont get clones now but jesus when i did i got them a lot and other chatters told me that my clone/s where in the chat room i was not in, making me look like a bad chatter, bu tbh i think i wud be a great friend to anyone who knew me in person, so them clones just horrible people trying to make me look bad, also i am male, MERL is a bad person he spams name hides, trolls, stirs denies he said things bs about people, i have evidence of things about people but no one prob blv me as they prob just thinking i have made that evidence i mean i shown another cunt of a chatter FACE/-_- some info i had about him then he denined he said that then epicly attacked me then he seem to get angry then logged out, anyway blv it or not this is what FACE/-_- and anothr horrible chatter PLASTICFANTASTIC said about me, what i know is not true –
[oh if u dont know i like to add a comment to a chatter using – (-)]
(plasticfantastic: just you do stir the pot everytime there is some sort of disagreement you are stirring it up or else when someone isnt there you are slagging them off and then they come in your like heyyyy, plasticfantastic: it doesnt bother me but i am just saying my opinion its no big deal just a chatroom
the fact is she right u do stir things up even if its your opinion
and u go on about it – bs
then months later unlrelated to me, FACE said –
cost nothing to be polite and helpful :) – wtf is he joking he thinks he is polite)
3 September, 2017 at 4:55 pm #1068040Quite why this is being discussed on a “forums” which is the definition of pointless bullying I find quite reassuringly predictable.
That little yank shit would have topped himself anyways as other people have noted, as for people on here snitching on folks it justs shows they are scumbag grasses who should stay on xbox live or disney chat.
3 September, 2017 at 5:04 pm #1068043there are hyocripts in chat rooms
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12 November, 2017 at 2:35 am #1078929At least you’re not one of them m8
there are hyocripts in chat rooms
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This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
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