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  • #475751

    im haveing a home made paella for supper :lol:


    @thin ice wrote:

    im haveing a home made paella for supper :lol:

    Don’t forget to open the window.


    @gazlan wrote:

    @thin ice wrote:

    im haveing a home made paella for supper :lol:

    Don’t forget to open the window.

    think ive cracked it mow
    ive swapped the prawns for salmon though


    @eve wrote:

    Y does gaz have to hijack every thread with his totally incomprehensible rants?

    Maybe this thread should be under “Getting Serious” but here’s my brief take on the subject.

    The Riots? At first anger over a man shot by police – I hope they it was justified, I want to trust the police, but the first few hours after Jean Charles de Menezes was shot had him running, ignoring “stop” commands, in heavy clothes and showing wires; all false and the ‘eye witnesses’ faded away mysteriously. So I fear this one won’t be pretty either.

    The looting? Greed, boredom (I’ll put 3/6d on it being over after the next weekend), disaffection and yes, poverty – of ideas, of hope and of purpose.

    The looters? A tiny proportion not representative of anyone. Selfish, greedy, ignorant, unimaginative, will include mentally vulnerable and psychopathic people.

    The solution? Intelligence, real change. integrity, consistency and vision.

    One thing Gazlan gets right though, the establishment does keep us oblivious and obedient.


    Yes Wordsworth, I agree.

    The link below might give some idea as to why people feel it necessary to take the law into their own hands.


    @gazlan wrote:

    @yourchoice wrote:

    I didn’t question your nationality,I don’t give a sh/it where you were born,all I meant is that if you’re so unhappy somewhere then why not just leave?

    Because I don’t have to go anywhere, is that simple enough for you ?

    If you have a neighbour that makes life a misery . . . Would you move away? Don’t waste my time idiot!

    If I did decide to stay put I wouldn’t cry like a girl about it everyday,which is all you do.


    @yourchoice wrote:

    If I did decide to stay put I wouldn’t cry like a girl about it everyday,which is all you do.

    You mean remind people like you of the pathetic subservience you all succumb to?

    Why didn’t you just say that!

    Contrary to your spineless action of leaving, I choose to face up to the kleptomaniacs and scupper their plans as much as possible, unlike you, who will no doubt bow at the knee at their every command. Now if you can’t supply me with a credible response to the contention listed {and I know you can’t} . . . shut the fuck up.


    @gazlan wrote:

    @yourchoice wrote:

    If I did decide to stay put I wouldn’t cry like a girl about it everyday,which is all you do.

    You mean remind people like you of the pathetic subservience you all succumb to?

    Why didn’t you just say that!

    Contrary to your spineless action of leaving, I choose to face up to the kleptomaniacs and scupper their plans as much as possible, unlike you, who will no doubt bow at the knee at their every command. Now if you can’t supply me with a credible response to the contention listed {and I know you can’t} . . . shut the fuck up.

    As per usual,resorting to insults or bad language.

    You don’t half talk some cack.


    @yourchoice wrote:


    All you and the other idiots here have to do is prove what I say wrong . . . simples :arrow: Go on . . . Go for it, i’ll wait shall I?


    @gazlan wrote:

    @yourchoice wrote:


    All you and the other idiots here have to do is prove what I say wrong . . . simples :arrow: Go on . . . Go for it, i’ll wait shall I?

    That the best you can do little man,change someones post.You really are a pathetic little individual.

Viewing 10 posts - 81 through 90 (of 249 total)

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