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  • #475741

    @jen_jen wrote:

    @gazlan wrote:

    @jen_jen wrote:

    @eve wrote:

    Y does gaz have to hijack every thread with his totally incomprehensible rants?

    Now now, everyone has to have a purpose in life….

    If only it was as exciting and full like yours!

    Now now, don’t be jealous, it’s not an attractive trait.

    My looks make up for it. :lol:


    @jen_jen wrote:

    @gazlan wrote:

    If you have a neighbour that makes life a misery . . . Would you move away? Don’t waste my time idiot!

    Yes I would, and I did, and life was much happier and less stressful as a result.
    But you’re not really unhappy are you?

    Ah you mean you took the easy way out?

    Very happy thankyou very much, who wouldn’t with millions slaving their guts to provide for people like me? A small mercy creates huge appreciation let me tell you that.


    After 18 months of living hell, yes I took the easy way out, I got a job and new home 180 miles away and never looked back :D

    Funny how you expect us to all accept your lifestyle choices though, yet you can’t or won’t accept ours.


    @jen_jen wrote:

    After 18 months of living hell, yes I took the easy way out, I got a job and new home 180 miles away and never looked back :D

    Funny how you expect us to all accept your lifestyle choices though, yet you can’t or won’t accept ours.

    Then i’m more than sure you will respect my wish to remain in my country and carry on defending my natural rights. The fact I and every citizen in this country has been enslaved into a system without any redress is my contention, it’s as clear as crystal for those who cannot comprehend!


    I don’t expect anything from you or any other. . . Not a thing!


    @gazlan wrote:

    I don’t expect anything from you or any other. . . Not a thing!

    Oh but you do.

    @gazlan wrote:

    Very happy thankyou very much, who wouldn’t with millions slaving their guts to provide for people like me? A small mercy creates huge appreciation let me tell you that.


    @jen_jen wrote:

    @gazlan wrote:

    I don’t expect anything from you or any other. . . Not a thing!

    Oh but you do.

    @gazlan wrote:

    Very happy thankyou very much, who wouldn’t with millions slaving their guts to provide for people like me? A small mercy creates huge appreciation let me tell you that.

    I have explained here before, I accept their payments as compensation for having taken over my sovereignty WITHOUT my permission. They pay me to live in their system, I accept the payment and fullfil my obligations with it. I DON’T expect it, I deserve it!

    btw . . . If you and every other in this country withdrew your compliance, I would be only to happy to go about my business WITHOUT interference. But . . we know this won’t happen while you lot are just oh so complacent don’t we ?



    blimey I am keeping out of this arguement – thought it was bad enough in the lobby!!!!! :?


    @anc wrote:

    blimey I am keeping out of this arguement – thought it was bad enough in the lobby!!!!! :?

    What argument ? . . . Not a single one of you here can produce any evidence to the contrary of my contention. Why ? Because quite simply you cannot, if any of you can then let’s have it here and now and I will consider it, research it and then come back and prove you wrong!


    @gazlan wrote:

    @anc wrote:

    blimey I am keeping out of this arguement – thought it was bad enough in the lobby!!!!! :?

    What argument ? . . . Not a single one of you here can produce any evidence to the contrary of my contention. Why ? Because quite simply you cannot, if any of you can then let’s have it here and now and I will consider it, research it and then come back and prove you wrong!

    Furthermore – This is a very likely reason this country will now and forever more be brother against brother, just as they planned.

Viewing 10 posts - 71 through 80 (of 249 total)

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