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  • #475691

    The anarchy aspect of it is a bit too scary for you to handle then Gaz…let’s not have any concern for the people terrified in their own homes, the people whose businesses disappeared in a puff of smoke, the people who have lost their livelihoods, and so on…you’ll save that for the people of other countries, not the people of your own country…perish the thought. :roll:


    What are you droning about ?


    Where have you been the last few decades ? Have you not noticed the decimation of manufacturing and industry in this country ? By who ? . . . . The very people you lot vote in time and again. You and people like you deserve the govt you get ! People are awaking to this non-sense democracy get over it!


    @anc wrote:

    I don’t know what the feck David Richard’ed Cameron hopes to achieve by returning early from holiday – anyone any ideas?!

    a refund?


    Rubber bullet and then birch the bastads,they wont come back for a second helping.


    @yourchoice wrote:

    Rubber bullet and then birch the bastads,they wont come back for a second helping.

    Of course they will, twots like you keep voting for them.


    @yourchoice wrote:

    Rubber bullet and then birch the bastads,they wont come back for a second helping.

    Luv it when he gets like this :D :lol:


    @gazlan wrote:

    @yourchoice wrote:

    Rubber bullet and then birch the bastads,they wont come back for a second helping.

    Of course they will, twots like you keep voting for them.

    And noobs like you pander to thugs.


    @gazlan wrote:

    What are you droning about ?

    If you really have to ask that then it’s time to get your head out of the clouds of conspiracy theories and your feet back on the ground and look at the people around you. You know, the honest grafters who keep this country going; the people who take what life throws at them and do their best to turn it around and make it into something good; the people who care about their neighbours and the community in which they live; the people who make a difference often in seemingly insignificant ways…or you can go on droning on about democracy, government, conspiracies and so on, belittling, deriding, making snidey remarks, whilst not doing a thing to make one jot of difference.


    @jen_jen wrote:

    @gazlan wrote:

    What are you droning about ?

    If you really have to ask that then it’s time to get your head out of the clouds of conspiracy theories and your feet back on the ground and look at the people around you. You know, the honest grafters who keep this country going; the people who take what life throws at them and do their best to turn it around and make it into something good; the people who care about their neighbours and the community in which they live; the people who make a difference often in seemingly insignificant ways…or you can go on droning on about democracy, government, conspiracies and so on, belittling, deriding, making snidey remarks, whilst not doing a thing to make one jot of difference.

    Yes I know perfectly well, the good old sheeple slaving away from the cradle to the grave paying taxes to murder innocents and destroy foreign lands. Yes I know perfectly well, the country that falls on it’s knees to an inbred monarchy that lives way beyond that of her ‘subjects’. Yes I know only too well!

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