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  • #475681




    @eve wrote:

    I filled up at that Jen.

    me too – how honourable and touching! x


    There’s enough all round :lol:


    So did I as she told me Eve…and yes Tinks, we do need more stories about kids that are good kids. The majority of the kids that come into the shop are polite, respectful, well spoken, inquisitive and a pleasure to talk to. I’ve had to throw some kids out of the shop too but it has to be said that they are very much the minority.

    If there are good things to come out of the riots it’s (hopefully) bringing home to the Government that the huge cuts in policing that they are imposing aren’t feasible, and also seeing communities pull together to clear up, support each other and to stand together and say “no more”. Well Mr Cameron….sorry, Dave…this is what you wanted wasn’t it? Big Society to help mend Britain’s Broken Society? Just don’t go condemning them as vigilante groups when they step into the breach left by your cuts to our services.


    How asleep are you here, this is the slow introduction to martail law . . . GET IT YET ? :roll:


    You have to have an effective police/security force to have martial law :roll:

    Funny how you’re not revelling in the scenes of budding anarchy Gaz, I thought it would be right up your street…or has martial law become your latest hobby horse, replacing anarchy?



    I don’t know what the feck David dick’ed Cameron hopes to achieve by returning early from holiday – anyone any ideas?!



    pmsl at that post – going to leave it un-edited :lol:


    @anc wrote:

    I don’t know what the feck David Richard’ed Cameron hopes to achieve by returning early from holiday – anyone any ideas?!

    He’s pretending to be in control of the situation :lol:


    Perhaps that is why we will see the introduction of foreign police on these shores. The police have been watching this unfold and doing very little. The next step will be the introduction of more powers to subvert any dissent just as we have witnessed the skullduggery of Westminster council and the peace campaign.

    Go back to sleep !

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