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  • #475811

    the queen.. erm… Since “rebellious Scots to crush” was taken out the National anthem. has never played a grand part of my life.
    nevertheless gaz, This was no inside job. Thats meriting thugs for blaming it all on Anarchy.
    The far right must be rubbing their hands in Glee at all this. I do not particularily cow tow to royalty.. sheest im sure one of the first conversations that You and I had was of me, flashing to Prince william after a rugby game. ALONGSIDE A MAIN MAN RAPPER !


    You have made your decisions in life and thats fair do’s.. cannot be that easy for ya on dole money. Despite the great allusions that we get it all free. If folks wanna go out and make a dollar.. hey thats great. !

    This is Not the Revolution thats needed !

    Heck if we were in Libya we would have the UK war machine up our ass :) cos they chose sides against the likes of gadaffi et al..

    let others have a point eh? sometimes in life.. we are NOT always Right!.


    @thin ice wrote:

    im getting sick of paella now
    shouldnt have made so much

    that damm Paella and all the goodies makes ye feel sick in the End.. thats why I love Tapas bars !

    long live Tapas and all who sail in Her !


    Yes rubyred :wink:

    Let me just clarify some things for all you oh clever people!

    My contention ~ The loss of my NATURAL SOVEREIGNTY by way of statute and compulsion.

    Now you can say what you will and no doubt you will but, until any single one of you answer the questions I have asked legitimately and explain to me why on this earth I should part take in a system that has used compulsion as a means of subscription, then you might all as well roll over and lift your arse in the air for another good shafting by the state, and as likely you deserve it.

    Now on the off chance you still don’t get it . . . GET UP OFF YOUR KNEES!


    @thin ice wrote:

    im getting sick of paella now
    shouldnt have made so much

    Pass the left overs onto tattler, i suspect she knows a few hungry pensioners.


    Now THIS is how you stop a looter…


    och aye im right fed up being on my knees.. Despite the fact i cant reach that far..

    I should have put my Bairns to the Brownies and the Scouts. to make Sure Masonry ran in the blood line. I should never have brought them up as pascifists, by telling them WAR was wrong. I should have let them Blend in with the other Scummage ! made them Fighters.

    Instead i chose the wrong route. of talking to them,and promising them that despite Their daddy Being Killed,I would be there for them both. Not perfect ?? no. son smokes a bit Grass on occasion. Daughter,,worried sick about my grandson ( her son) starting school next week.. Grandsons a beautiful child. but not a fighter.

    I think despite me they have managed the need NOT to burn down houses,, NOT to take Umbrage at Manchester Kiddies Hospital and set it alight.. what heroes/foes bairns with Cancer !

    I taught mine to be kind, eccentric? yeah . !

    and IF they ever need the dole its their FOR them to help them out, should they fall on hard times.

    Despite my Gregoriousness and gallus ways.. I think I did ok..



    and i dont HAVE to be ” Clever” gaz,, but an opinion helps..
    you may not agree,, but I am still gonna Have One..



    if its any consolation i respect your opinion ruby x


    cheers mark.. least I dont ask you to google to make up imaginery backing.. sheest on this life o the tinternet.. Ya can get any backing you want with the amount of history Revisionists etc ;)



    @best man wrote:

    if its any consolation i respect your opinion ruby x

    ditto x

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