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  • #16596



    a load of chavs that will use any excuse to smash things up and steal!


    I despair…


    yeh but why trumpton tho?



    Seems interesting that the peeps I have seen on the news rioting, most are white?!!!!! :?


    you must be watching a different news to me Anc as i have seen alot of young Black people riotting with a few whites mixed in



    Just bbc! :?


    I was on holiday in Greece last week, before I went people were asking whether I was wise to be going given the economic situation and unrest there and reports of riots. I replied that I wasn’t anywhere near any of the rioting and besides, nowhere is truly safe these days, if you worried about it you’d never set foot outside of your house. Then I came back to the UK to find riots galore, people getting off the plane being told they might not be able to get home that night and so on. :shock:

    But this choked me.
    A friend came into the shop this morning and told me that on Monday night she’d gone to say goodnight to her 10 year old son, only to find him in bed, fully dressed, with his cricket bat at his side. When she asked him what was going on he replied “if the rioters come here then I’m ready to protect the family, don’t worry mum, we’ll be safe.” To put some context around it, his dad has Parkinsons Disease and his mum had a stroke 6 months ago and is still recovering. What a grown-up and brave young lad all ready to protect his mum and dad and little sister.


    we need stories like this at the moment………..young people today are given such bad press wherever you go



    I filled up at that Jen.

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