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  • #1067313

    Interesting. So who was the person you attacked after being attacked by a number? Are you saying that you were basically trolled by a number so you decided to become a troll yourself? Or did you attack the number that had attacked you? I was attacked by a number 71, was that you? See now you’ve admitted to doing that, how does anyone know you wont do it again? Shame you don’t know anyone nice (who you haven’t turned against recently for no reason other than to just jump on a bandwagon that had nothing to do with you) who could advise you on how to still get into the rooms after an ip address ban. I’m sure I don’t know, unlike you, I am not a troll. I must remember not to attempt to cross your bridge. :yahoo:

    IM not sure what happened to be honest mizzy ,I just know I was getting slaughtered cosys this orsons that

    by numbers of course,so I decided to retaliate for once as a number and attacked back (which ive said sorry for) im a mancunian of course I will retaliate its in our nature,we also delight in a bit of mickey taking but we are talking to people all over the world here not everybodys going to have thesame s,o,h are they

    if you knew me youd know I haven’t got a nasty bone in my body

    as re_ laney weve got on well in the past and probably will again

    maybe I took the joke to far about karaokes and green jumpers :unsure:

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    Clue…us…talking about?

    You, friend. Everyone here?

    If mean what happen to me. Was in f2 think, not sure exactly or f1..was having a good time with someone. All of a sudden, fucked up bitch, few others things. Threw me for loop…not knew why, where it came from. Made sense..then few nasty popped up. Felt exactly like here when gone after..went to hell with people did not know. Left quick…

    Explained enough..


    Orson, feel little cold with me?…?

    Did I hurt you? Have always stood by you even when, well..things done intentional or not..

    Still feel you nice guy. Have not given up on you if others have…

    Will end it here. Because my gutt knows..I’m in for it soon enough…


    Hey orson, you know someone possible guest number 463?
    Think number have to look up again. Early for me. 3:00am….

    Real f….. for me here, nice pm message. Wants my attention. And orson you know will give it to anyone publicly who, well not so please if have thought.

    Your help very much appreciated. Know you have been here for awhile.. he needs my loving attention. He will get it all right.

    Love ya…….xxxooo


    Actually cosy… look little stupid, silly here.
    Do not want to inconvenience you.

    But not sure. Not feeling tip top, or best few days physically, or nervous about next week surgery, but come on, would you not agree…some one saying to you, nasty,…cause trying to get your attention… know first name, would not be nice to publicly quote it..

    But trying often to fight own battles here. You know me well now. I think…if need to go on mission, …well…

    So let’s see if this draws my friend out…. user name……..

    RUTHLESS….where are my insults here, so we can go back private…now am really curious with information supplied. As asked someone what you directed me to, had no clue…making me look like idiot again…especially to that person. So come here, or other way…but finishing this with you….


    as re_ laney weve got on well in the past and probably will again

    maybe I took the joke to far about karaokes and green jumpers :unsure:


    no maybe the SLUT WHORE  comment went too far!!!

    And NO you don not get another chance after that, we will NEVER get on again!!!


    Orson. Am in f2. Defending some of my pals and forum here.. got this real bad man, coming after me as defending some. You know merlinn? Bad man..offered me a donkey ride, told him no, he could have that. Would take you instead. That alright with you. Wanted you to hear from me.



    P.s. wow now, not only Linda,accused of being another from here. Shoot, that stinks.


    And what tripe is being rolled out now?

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    Linda I hope you don’t mind me making a suggestion?

    I suggest you don’t defend people, I know you are being kind and sweet in doing so but unless you can really defend yourself well and wont get upset by being abused and coated off, you are literally on a hiding to nothing.

    I am not sure room 2 is a good room for you, obviously you are free to go whether you please as we all are.  The trolls mostly hide out in room 2 and some of them are registered.   I can see you getting eaten by grotties who will not like you clip clopping over their bridge.  You may get halfway across it but you will find your leg has been chewed off.

    Orson – like I  said we all make mistakes.  Some people are more forgiving than others – we cannot blame them if we have gone too far.  I am fortunate, I am only crappy to people who deserve it, I am not random in that respect.  And the people who deserve it, don’t care about what I have to say anyway.  If they do then good, I much prefer to have my point stick.  I don’t often say what I don’t mean.  I, like you apologise afterwards but unless youre not going to ever do it again an apology is pointless.   Shes a nice lady, slut whore was a bit harsh there honey x  If it helps, next time direct your crappy abuse at me, I can handle it as I couldn’t give a monkeys.  Do it in PM so we don’t upset the room whilst I coat you off back. xx




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