27 August, 2017 at 11:04 am #1067226
IVE tried everything cant get in anywhere apart from boards
so no quiz for me tonight
ive been trying to suss it out,I think LE booted me not banned
problem is if you get banned booted etc it affects everything im sure LE,didnt mean it
I came in as a number cowardly attacking somebody,which I admit
it was only retaliation because so many numbers attack me
ive resigned from pcht cos im sick and tired of everybody thinking they know me.
I might as well flounce from here as well,if I cant get in chat
but ive got a million threads to do yet,my well never runs dry
just have to put up with me on boards then
at least ive got linda to talk to.
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27 August, 2017 at 12:18 pm #1067228Interesting.
So who was the person you attacked after being attacked by a number? Are you saying that you were basically trolled by a number so you decided to become a troll yourself? Or did you attack the number that had attacked you?
I was attacked by a number 71, was that you?
See now you’ve admitted to doing that, how does anyone know you wont do it again?
Shame you don’t know anyone nice (who you haven’t turned against recently for no reason other than to just jump on a bandwagon that had nothing to do with you) who could advise you on how to still get into the rooms after an ip address ban. I’m sure I don’t know, unlike you, I am not a troll.
I must remember not to attempt to cross your bridge.
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27 August, 2017 at 1:34 pm #1067233My love,
You talk to me? Not sure how yet you do….When asked you to pm me publicly take garbage out of discussion, you loudly and clearly made it known to ALL of the sad comment for me by attacking me, all to see…
And trying something first time over weekend, had a fabulous best time ever fun chat with a few people, the best since joining here..really fun… nineballstar think name, few others. We were on a roll. People even commented few hours later, what was all that activity about usually so slow…then this number came up 71, think, and suddenly all went to hell. Nasty came out too..wow.and me went after..
And Orson have really cared, been nice to you, when I do, other nasty come out. If you are man enough, not afraid, want confidence, promise will just pm me, tell me how to reach out…but the side kick not involved ever. You have relationship with her fine..me, fine…never ever together..your choice..
Bye love….was ready to put in my resignation papers. No 2 week notice. 5 minutes…and I hate to vacuum. Like wooden and tile floors-
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
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27 August, 2017 at 1:47 pm #1067236P.s. never banned you either orson. Made comment I was banning you both..
Never contacted anyone, reported, commented, only by discussion thread…not like that either. Would rather work out with some body… Only if feel threatened by security devices contact me of possible issues do I worry….then contact appropriate staff. That was 2 months ago….
27 August, 2017 at 1:55 pm #1067238So now he’s sobered up yet again he decides to come clean!!
so orson/ cosy whatever you wanna call yourself.. you think by abusing someone ( like you did to me) you can just come on and apologise here ??
lol what a sorry excuse for a little man you are… PATHETIC!!
An apology is only that if you really mean it
NOT when you continue to show your true colours by reoffending
its meaningless
YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE, and that’s no sympathy from me
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27 August, 2017 at 2:11 pm #1067240Laney…
Please laugh with me on few things..
Personally think you have seen what can happen to me here.
But truly for orson/cosy do kind of like him. Not sure why? Feel sorry often for him. When not drunk or heavily in to his weed has come out with nice or decent stuff in discussions.. more smarter than acts some times. That is why always have felt hope for him…forgave him. On tight rope with me of late. Actually, have given him more changes than have with one partner with. Don’t figure why? But feel sorry more the word……think has hope, needs to find his way….
27 August, 2017 at 2:28 pm #1067242Laney… Please laugh with me on few things.. Personally think you have seen what can happen to me here. But truly for orson/cosy do kind of like him. Not sure why? Feel sorry often for him. When not drunk or heavily in to his weed has come out with nice or decent stuff in discussions.. more smarter than acts some times. That is why always have felt hope for him…forgave him. On tight rope with me of late. Actually, have given him more changes than have with one partner with. Don’t figure why? But feel sorry more the word……think has hope, needs to find his way….
I have indeed Linda, but I don’t stand for fools especially him, there are only so many chances you can give a person before enough is enough, and when he decided to cross the line by the name calling he did to me merely because I’m friends with Mario( no other reason) … I will not tolerate being spoken to the way he did to me, but when I’m done, I’m done, he blew it… no matter how hard he tries to get my attention in the chat room!
its up to you wether you want to continue your ” friendship ” with him but sorry it’s not for me , he’s past his sell by date 😁
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27 August, 2017 at 3:11 pm #1067244Well it may shock some of you, but i like the occasional drinky poo (yes I know, I have kept that quiet). So farty, if you were drunk at the time and you were 71 then i will forgive you. It was a really crappy troll effort, substandard and not a patch on what I am used to, but I am not a hypocrite. We all make mistakes after a few and it would be totally wrong of me to ever judge anyone else for drinking and being a bit of a door knob.
I would give up trolling though, leave it to the professionals.
Also, try not to be nasty to the people who dont deserve it. Quite a few people dont.
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27 August, 2017 at 5:13 pm #1067256IVE tried everything cant get in anywhere apart from boards so no quiz for me tonight ive been trying to suss it out,I think LE booted me not banned problem is if you get banned booted etc it affects everything im sure LE,didnt mean it I came in as a number cowardly attacking somebody,which I admit sorry it was only retaliation because so many numbers attack me ive resigned from pcht cos im sick and tired of everybody thinking they know me. I might as well flounce from here as well,if I cant get in chat but ive got a million threads to do yet,my well never runs dry just have to put up with me on boards then at least ive got linda to talk to.
Flounce? never surely?
27 August, 2017 at 5:39 pm #1067264Orson said he abused ‘somebody’. To me, that means one person, yet there are two people who have been trolled.
It could possibly be that you were trolled by different people.
There’s a reg that comes in as a number who frequently trolls and I can make an educated guess as to who it is by what he has said. I don’t know for sure, so won’t say who I think it might be.
Coming in as a number and trolling regs because you yourself have been trolled by guests is just a ridiculous excuse, as is that of having had too much to drink. Don’t use drink as a defence or a ‘reason’ to troll and abuse. It doesn’t wash.
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