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  • #344545

    he was already wearing the jewellery when he went in


    thats not fair, i had another 197 guesses to go, lol


    Its probably wrong i say we wait till he’s asleep and steal all the points anyway


    im wiv u there, lol


    oi what’s all this about stealing points *clutches little box of points to chest* anyway you’re both wrong so ner *sticks tounge out* but..

    you’re both on the right lines by saying that no crime was committed sooo… how did he hold a dozen people up?


    blocked the road wiv his car


    that means you’re correct (i was looking for ‘he bought the jewellery and blocked the road with his car’)

    can you guess the next letter in the series?



    All the first letters of the question ? CYGTNLIT S . Give me a supreme gift!

    What is wrong with this paragraph? Nothing, but it is an unusual paragraph. Study it, and think about it, but you may not find anything odd. If you work at it a bit, you might find out why it is unusual. Try to do so without any coaching and you can claim zillions of points.


    lol lil fek you’ve won your very own elite squad of commando badgers trained in the deadly martial art form of origami and I’ll throw in a tortoise with a toaster sellotaped to its back.

    too tired to work this out, will try again in morning


    Thank you for the best prize ever.

Viewing 10 posts - 421 through 430 (of 832 total)

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