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  • #344495

    no on both accounts though lil fek is on the right lines


    Ive changed sloths name to hurry up btw


    wow when I wanted to change his name he threatened to turn me into a brain washed zombie and make me part of his diabolically evil army of ninja kittens bent on world domination, but fair do’s

    do ya want to know the answer, well he did it because… on second thoughts I’ll just wait a bit longer



    Clue please


    he did it for financial reasons



    did he do it for financial reasons :P


    need more info than that pete otherwise I’ll be asking for my sloth back


    ok for money :D/


    LMAO at the points!

    Was it a bet?

Viewing 10 posts - 371 through 380 (of 832 total)

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