Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Revealed: London’s white child slaves

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  • #267185

    slavery is alive and kickin here in great britain there are thousands of children working in sweat shops to produse cheap clothes, there are thousands of east european folk working in brothels or fruit picking, working for nothing as the gang masters take every penny. dont you think wed be better trying to help stop it instead of rakin up old history and arguing about it… :lol: :lol: :lol:


    The thing is though waspish, that were all suppossed to say sorry for enslaved black people, but the political extremists in government wont say anything about the slavery against white people, especially the north african muslims who enslaved more than a million white europeans, BEFORE “we” enslaved anyone.

    We are ruled by fascists. The people you see clapping, dancing and waving flags for fascist blair, are paid-up members of the fascist labour party.


    We have white slaves now?

    Would I get into trouble if I said..

    “I didn’t read one post of this thread, but saw the title and thought it’d be funny to say… ‘ What did we do? Roll a few Zulus around in flour?’… ?

    Or would that be accptable? Please let me know before I actually publish that very question.


    I’m still struggling with this “they were convicts and homeless people” nonsense

    It doesnt really matter if they were housed or homeless does it? If they were rounded up, stuck on a boat and then taken to another country to work thereafter that IS slavery

    It doesnt magically change into something else just because its honkies being displaced under duress

    The left has been trying to brainwash the mindless majority into seeing racism as something whites do to non whites via the media by trying to avoid using the word whenever its none white acting against whites or other none whites but plastering the story with the word whenever a white person is the protagonist even when its not racially motivated and that sexism is something MEN do to women :lol:

    Now it seems they are also hoping the majority are thick enough to think that if two people are taken from their home to another country and made to work its ONLY slavery if they are black :shock:

    I reallly dont see the distinction to be honest

    Lets suppose for a minute that most of the blacks that were taken were also homeless which they very well could have been for all we know, so potentially nobody was actually a slave in that case

    Infact, if you burn someones house down and THEN force them into a life of servitude it wouldnt actually be slavery then would it because they were homeless from the moment you burnt their house down lol

    What a complete pile of left wing nonsensical apologist drivel


    I didn’t read your whole post, Ub, because I’m too lazy (let’s face it, I couldn’t even be arsed to read your entire name, I forgot it the second I pressed ‘reply’, so I’ll just say Ub, as I remember the first two letters of your name began with Ub.. I think)..

    I’m still struggling with this “they were convicts and homeless people” nonsense

    It doesnt really matter

    Sorry !! But, yes, it does matter.

    Homeless people choose to be homeless. And don’t say they don’t, because they do.

    Take me, for example. A few years ago, I got an inheritance and was pretty well off. I was pretty damn well off! I spent all day, everyday for a few years simply going out into the city drinking, buying records, video games, coming home at night, posting crap on here then going to bed.

    Then I got into debt after a while, and just met my dad for the first time, but he’s busy with a new son trying to get custody. So, with no mum, a dad I’d only JUST met but has no time & is busy in legal battle for his new son.. I was left alone.

    That was only a few years ago. I chose to swallow my pride after a few months of sleeping on park benches, behind bushes cuddling up to a bottle of cider and waking up on friends sofas, I decided to sell everything I didn’t need, and I moved in with my grandparents.

    I made a choice !!

    Now, some liberal tosser will say “well erm not all homeless will have grandparents to simply move into” No, that’s true.

    But are all homeless people friendless?

    I was offered a spare room at my friends house, but, I refused it because I didn’t want to be a burden and felt bad. Hence in the end, swallowed pride .

    Homeless people choose not to swallow their pride, and choose NOT to accept help, as they don’t want to be a burden.

    So.. the point of it all. Who is to blame?

    The homeless people? No !!
    The homeless people’s family & friends? No !!

    The government? Yes !!

    It’s not the homeless person’s fault, no, but they still CHOOSE. Just like anyone else CHOOSES.

    End of the day whether we’re housed or homeless, British or a criminal, educated or less-educated, abled or less-abled, human or communist, British or foreign, male or female, caring or heartless-bastard-New-Labour-Voter, taken or single, parent or childless… We make our own decisions and those decisions are, most often, not OUR fault, nor do we have much choice when we make them..

    THe decisions forced upon us are done so by the government. So the point of this post is it’s the fault of THE GOVERNMENT.

    Basically, this government is an evil, uncaring, heartless bastard metric-system-using, EU-loving communist government who thinks all working classed British people should be shipped off and used as slaves.

    Well, I sing..

    “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves !!”


    @ubermik wrote:

    I’m still struggling with this “they were convicts and homeless people” nonsense

    It doesnt really matter if they were housed or homeless does it? If they were rounded up, stuck on a boat and then taken to another country to work thereafter that IS slavery

    It doesnt magically change into something else just because its honkies being displaced under duress

    The left has been trying to brainwash the mindless majority into seeing racism as something whites do to non whites via the media by trying to avoid using the word whenever its none white acting against whites or other none whites but plastering the story with the word whenever a white person is the protagonist even when its not racially motivated

    Well said. Its anti-white racist thugs like slayers new labour and ALL the media who are the enemy. They put white people down to claim the block vote and keep power.

    This is the absolute norm now, sufficent political change wont come about for years, 10 atleast, the thugs are winning, and good decent people are suffering.


    Well my point was simply that being a “slave” means being removed unwillingly and without legal precedence to a place and made to work or do whatever is asked for no pay and without rights

    As such you arent NOT a slave just because you did or didnt have a home, are white/non white, are a criminal/innocent

    Slavery has a definition that is totally seperate to any other social factors that were in place, if a homeless, a housed, a white, black and asian person were all taken from their country of origin under duress and where forced to work in servitude elsewhere they are ALL slaves irrespective of anything that went on before

    As for the black slave trading initially mentioned, before the slave trade the african tribal leaders were sacrificing most of the people captured from other villages or areas, so the slave trade meant they could live rather than die, a choice I am sure they would have chosen anyway had it been a choice

    And where is the criticism of the other black africans and asians who were the ones actually collecting these people to sell them to the slave traders?

    Oh, silly me, it would be racist to point out anything bad a none white has ever done in the history of mankind wouldnt it lol


    @ubermik wrote:

    I’m still struggling with this “they were convicts and homeless people” nonsense

    It doesnt really matter if they were housed or homeless does it? If they were rounded up, stuck on a boat and then taken to another country to work thereafter that IS slavery

    It doesnt magically change into something else just because its honkies being displaced under duress

    The left has been trying to brainwash the mindless majority into seeing racism as something whites do to non whites via the media by trying to avoid using the word whenever its none white acting against whites or other none whites but plastering the story with the word whenever a white person is the protagonist even when its not racially motivated and that sexism is something MEN do to women :lol:

    Now it seems they are also hoping the majority are thick enough to think that if two people are taken from their home to another country and made to work its ONLY slavery if they are black :shock:

    I reallly dont see the distinction to be honest

    Lets suppose for a minute that most of the blacks that were taken were also homeless which they very well could have been for all we know, so potentially nobody was actually a slave in that case

    Infact, if you burn someones house down and THEN force them into a life of servitude it wouldnt actually be slavery then would it because they were homeless from the moment you burnt their house down lol

    What a complete pile of left wing nonsensical apologist drivel

    I’m struggling with the idea that transmitting todays values onto the 17thC is somehow relevant. Infant mortality in the 17thC was appalling, child exploitation was rife and child prostitution was a means to an end. Removing these children to a place of safety and opportunity is different to using them as slaves. I cannot find anywhere that these children were chattle or slaves and to me is no different than the evacuation of children during WW2 to the countryside and a place of safety- not each experience will be positive but the majority will benefit. Deliberate use of emotive terms like “rounded up” (as if the were cattle) does not portray the initial intent nor the reality.

    It does not make it “right” but neither does it make it slavery- or were the hundreds of children sent to the other side of the world during the 30’s,40’s and 50’s to Australia to people and lives they had no knowledge of also “slaves”- no, of course they werent but some would no doubt have us think so in the pursuit of “balancing the books” in some perceived colour battle

    Slavery existed and exists across societies, countries and continents- whites, blacks, asians, chinese, etc etc all use and have used human beings as commodities- don’t see what the problem is there nor do I see the need to apologise for something that this country participated in, along with half the multi coloured world, over 200 years ago.


    Slavery slayer, how were the convicts and homeless treated, when they were shipped abroad as slayer slaves?


    @emmalush wrote:

    Slavery slayer, how were the convicts and homeless treated, when they were shipped abroad as slayer slaves?

    Convicts were sent to penal colonies to work as part their punishment- similar to the chain gangs in the american south in the 19th and 20thC- maybe they got the idea from us!

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