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    Exactly paigey, why should or would they, all will be revealed…


    But in the meantime, we, humanity, have a few puzzles to solve. With the help of Science, Evolutionary Biology, Quantum Physics, Mathematics, and just about every Science known to man, we are slowly piecing the puzzle together and getting answers.

    I believe if we are left to get on with it, we will get there in the end.

    Religion is just a distraction. If we hadn’t been “distracted” the last 2 or 3 thousand years with Religion, and put that same energy we have “wasted” on Religion into Science instead, it’s possible we could have answers today, or certainly be a lot closer to them.

    I bet Archimedes, Socrates, Plato and all the Ancient Greeks are laughing and taking the piss out of us today, if not turning in their graves.

    One step forward, two steps backwards.



    I liked the reactionary Lord Salisbury when he argued against Christian attempts to stop Darwin’s theory of evolution when it first emerged in the 1860s.

    he said that religion and science should be left to develop in their own ways. Neither should interfere with the other, though either is free to be aware of development si the other.

    Eventually, he believed they would come together.

    maybe they won’t.

    But it’s better advice than for science and religion to treat the other with contempt.


    How can you say science can prove things? It shows a total ignorance of science. Science is about the testing of hypotheses, and the hypotheses are constantly being disproved. Very few scientists (other than Dawkins) believe that science proves things. Even Dawkins, in a moment of self-honesty, admitted that some force may well have created teh cosmos. Science just can’t prove or disprove the existence of a God. If God created the cosmos, science was created along with everything else. Science is part of the puzzle, not the solution to the puzzle.

    It’s fairly simple to prove the existance of a god, if one exists. If it interacts with the universe, in any way, then that interaction is measurable. Such an interaction has never been detected however, which must conclude that either a god doesn’t exist, that a god that doesn’t interact with the universe exists (in which case it might as well not exist), or god actively avoids detection (which is strange behaviour for something that supposedly wants to be worshiped).

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    The real question is not does god exist the real question is what would be gained by god revealing themselves

    If a god or gods want to be worshiped, then they would gain more worshipers by proving that they exist.

    If they don’t want to be worshiped, then why are people worshiping them against the wishes of their god?

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    If a god or gods want to be worshiped, then they would gain more worshipers by proving that they exist.

    Did God not prove he existed about 4,000 years ago in the deserts of Israel to some geezer called Moses, and some other geezer called Mohammed a few years after that in the deserts of Arabia, or am I getting my “facts” all wrong?

    Never mind the bollox

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  Psycho Babble.

    God reveals themselves he then takes away the thing he values above all freewill

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    How can you say science can prove things? It shows a total ignorance of science. Science is about the testing of hypotheses, and the hypotheses are constantly being disproved. Very few scientists (other than Dawkins) believe that science proves things. Even Dawkins, in a moment of self-honesty, admitted that some force may well have created teh cosmos. Science just can’t prove or disprove the existence of a God. If God created the cosmos, science was created along with everything else. Science is part of the puzzle, not the solution to the puzzle.

    It’s fairly simple to prove the existance of a god, if one exists. If it interacts with the universe, in any way, then that interaction is measurable. Such an interaction has never been detected however, which must conclude that either a god doesn’t exist, that a god that doesn’t interact with the universe exists (in which case it might as well not exist), or god actively avoids detection (which is strange behaviour for something that supposedly wants to be worshiped).

    That’s just a misunderstanding. You’re mixing up God’s creation of a universe and God’s interaction with an already created universe

    First, God’s creation of the universe is the creation o0f something measurable. Therefore, in measuring the universe, we are measuring God’s creation. If the universe is not crated by god, then you can’t show that by measuring it. It comes back to the argument that god doesn’t actually exist, but creates existence.

    Secondly, as alfie points out, religions claim that God did interact with the universe. God appeared to Moses and (in Islam) to Mohammed.

    In Christianity, God appears as a man, who was rejected and killed by men. That means that god appeared at a particular point in space and time, and therefore it is possible for historical evidence to be gathered which can disprove that Jesus actually existed and did the things he claimed. So far History hasn’t been able to disprove this; quite the contrary.

    But History can only disprove; it can’t prove that even if Jesus did exist – and it’s hardly beyond the bounds of possibility that some poor guy was killed despite being innocent –  that therefore Jesus is God. History can take you to the lip of faith; it can’t take you over it.

    That’s why many people rationally refuse to accept Christianity.


    God reveals themselves he then takes away the thing he values above all freewill

    I think that’s the answer to drac’s second argument about worship.

    Thank you, paige.


    God reveals themselves he then takes away the thing he values above all freewill

    I think that’s the answer to drac’s second argument about worship. Thank you, paige.

    It’s not an answer.

    Giving someone information to make an informed choice does not take away their free will.

    If free will exists, which I don’t believe it does.

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