Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Religion is like a penis………

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    If people who do believe, believe their faith helps them get through life then that’s a good thing.

    We should all enjoy our unique individuality.


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    Sarah, that’s fine. You don’t want to discuss religion, and don’t see the need to discuss religion.

    I’m not an evangelical. don’t think religion should be pushed down anyone’s throats.

    Why is there a “fear” to discuss religion in public nowadays?

    Do you mean that there is a fear for religious people to discuss their religion, or that there is a fear for people to discuss a religion that they are not part of?

    Drac, I’m not frightened to discuss religion, as you know. It’s nice to discuss in an adult way, and not in the fundamentalist tub-thumping proof of every argument by referring you to a verse in the Bible, or the Dawkins crew sneering at Aunt Sally arguments coz they’re easy to defeat


    The post says that Religion is like a don’t push it on children. The analogy is clear to all.

    Of course, you are free to interpret this how you feel best.

    How I interpret this is, and I hope how most will interpret this is :-

    For the vast majority of us penis owners, we should, and I’m sure the very vast majority do, know as a natural instinct one does not push it onto children, just like we know not to put our hand into an open fire or heads into the oven. Even cats and dogs have a natural instinct to keep a safe distance from an open fire.

    Thus, that natural instinct we have to not put our heads into the oven, hands into an open fire, or push our penis onto children, should equally apply to pushing religion onto a child.

    So the analogy is actually anti pedophilic rather that pedophilic, which is how you seem to have interpreted it, hence me using the word warped to describe your way of thinking.

    Richard Dawkins goes one step further by saying pushing religion onto a child actually constitutes child abuse. Personally, I find it difficult to disagree with Dawkins on that point.




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    pushing religion onto a child should be as much of a no no as sticking the childs head into a fire.


    Surely a burnt head is far more ouchy and would do greater long term damage than a kids head being filled with religious beliefs that could change as they get older and learn more about the world and religion?

    Id rather have my head filled with crap than to scald it lose my hair and be in lots of painy.


    Im sure you were just exaggerating to make your point?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by  Sairs73.

    I think you’re missing the point a bit Sarah, no one is advocating sticking a childs head in the fire. I’m appealing to that natural instinct you have inbuilt of you that tells you that you shouldn’t abuse the child by sticking its head in the fire, that very same instinct should be telling you to not abuse the child by filling its head with religion. When the child is an adult and decides for itself it wants religion in their life, thats fine.


    I would rather stick the childs head in the fire IF, and I can’t emphasise the word IF strong enough here, that child in question grows up to be Salman Abedi who on 22 May 2017 detonated a shrapnel-laden homemade bomb as people were leaving Manchester Arena following a concert by the American singer Ariana Grande. Twenty-three people were killed, including the attacker, and over 500 were injured.

    Prevention is better than cure, right?



    Pushing religion onto a child should be as alien a thought process as pushing a penis onto it, or sticking it’s head into a fire.


    Will agree to disagree xxx


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    Disagree all you like, but I strongly recommend that you dont:

    1 push religion onto any children

    2 Push a penis onto them

    3 Stick the childs or your own head in a fire

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    Lol noted x

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