Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Religion is like a penis………

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    When I was young I really wanted a fire truck. Christmas came and went and I never got my fire truck. Where was God then? To this day I still get a thrill when I see a fire engine and all the lights flashing. I am not bitter about it. Whoever says I am is a liar. I don’t do liars, sorry.

    This has the ring of truth about it.

    A lot of people have a deep disillusionment with God over failed Christmas promises.

    me, I blamed my parents (poor mam and dad).


    Really, the death or suffering of a loved one seems very common for a rejection of God’s existence.

    I knew one woman whose faith in god was shattered when her baby died. When the insensitive priest told her that the baby was safe in God’s arms, she asked in anguish why god couldn’t let the baby be safe in her arms? I found that story quite heart-breaking.


    The poet Sylvia Plath prayed and prayed to god to let her daddy live when she was 8. As her fatehr’s health deteriorate, she threatened God that if he let her daddy die, she would never talk to him ever again, no, never. And she kept her promise.


    Not very scientific, but that’s the way it goes.



    Now, the blonde in red suit, sliding down a pole into ur fireplace, well u will have to look in your own neighborhood….

    Seek, and ye shall find.

    1 member liked this post.

    When I was young I really wanted a fire truck. Christmas came and went and I never got my fire truck. Where was God then? To this day I still get a thrill when I see a fire engine and all the lights flashing. I am not bitter about it. Whoever says I am is a liar. I don’t do liars, sorry.

    This is so beautiful, it made me cry.



    Went to see Menache today, about Hasidic Jewish community in new York. Interesting insight into Jewish religion. Highly recommend.


    Image may contain: 3 people, meme, glasses and text


    There`s elements of good and bad in every religion and man dong.

    The ones with the x`s ( Caths, COE etc) tend to be the herpes of the dong via the routine abuse of their younger members.

    The stars (Jews etc) well they make the penis blue & red.   Blue due to a tightness to put the heating on past 10degrees and red due to the elastic band used to power the candle to keep the leccy on.


    Islamic style. Well your penis must be big because the women have to walk behind you to help you carry your firehose.



    I award myself a pissed up 03:51 meddle for shittest post of the year from moi




    Religion is like a penis. No its just a bunch of ideas with no proof or laws


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  ruthless.

    I award myself a pissed up 03:51 meddle for shittest post of the year from moi BOOOM!

    Now that is an arrogant claim.

    It’s a tough field of competition.

    I’ve seen many shittier posts in jc in my time.


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