It is with regret that I inform you that myself and ForumHostPB feel unable to continue our involvement in the planned radio quiz Christmas special.
From the outset, the radio quiz hosted by 7 Waves Community Radio has been great fun and has really helped bring the Just Chat community together. Unfortunately, the fact that the quiz is meant to be simply a bit of light-hearted fun has been forgotten by some who have seen it as a planned Just Chat advertising strategy. This is not the case, and never has been.
Around a month ago, myself and ForumHostPB were asked if we would be the phone in ‘team leaders’ for a radio quiz Christmas special. In keeping with the spirit of fun the quiz had fostered, we were keen to get involved and agreed. Since we announced our willingness to get involved, some members have felt that we were ‘hijacking’ the radio quiz in order to promote Just Chat over other sites, and to ‘muscle in’ where we were not wanted, or welcome.
The intense debate and bad-feeling regarding this issue has taken away any anticipation that PB and myself had for some light-hearted fun, and as a result we will no longer be participating. It seems that some are looking to turn the radio quiz into a political issue rather than allowing it to remain simply as a fun event that both participants and listeners enjoy and look forward to.
We both hope the radio quiz will continue and that our withdrawal from any future involvement will allow the quiz to continue to be fun for everyone involved.