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  • #521579

    OK here are the latest quiz scores including the month of September

    Crossfire 1 2529
    Benn 2522
    Lily 1887
    ChatGuideGD 1469
    Poppy 885
    Jan 778
    Velcro 749
    The Naz Experience 688
    Kath 643
    Ariston 500
    Buster 486
    Phong 289
    Eliza 258
    Millwall 208
    Poet 193
    Meiko 174
    Debbie 159
    Sprinkleofglitter 93
    StormySip 85
    Phil 66
    Italian Ready Meal 63
    Binky 59
    Sparra 40
    Will 38
    Blossom 36
    Festus 34
    Fine Foxy Filly 28
    Italian Lover 28
    WillDom 26
    Asian Male 25
    Rigsby 23
    Tammy 23
    Alan 22
    ChatGuideLD 22
    Rec Alc 22
    Wilma 20
    Chappy 17
    Steve 31 16
    Elk 12
    Mick_Lancs 12
    Bod 11
    Musky 10
    ChatGuideTD 6
    Quiz Queen 5
    Laurie 2


    OK here are the latest quiz scores including the month of October

    Crossfire 1 2779
    Benn 2522
    Lily 2030
    ChatGuideGD 1589
    Poppy 892
    Jan 869
    Velcro 814
    Kath 741
    The Naz Experience 688
    Buster 597
    Ariston 500
    Phong 289
    Poet 265
    Eliza 258
    Millwall 208
    Debbie 176
    Meiko 174
    Sprinkleofglitter 93
    StormySip 90
    Phil 87
    Italian Ready Meal 63
    Binky 59
    Sparra 40
    Will 38
    WillDom 37
    Blossom 36
    Asian Male 34
    Festus 34
    Fine Foxy Filly 28
    Italian Lover 28
    Rigsby 23
    Tammy 23
    ChatGuideLD 22
    Rec Alc 22
    Alan 22
    Wilma 20
    Chappy 17
    Steve 31 16
    Elk 12
    Mick_Lancs 12
    Bod 11
    Mel 11
    Musky 10
    ChatGuideTD 6
    Quiz Queen 5
    Laurie 2


    OK here are the latest quiz scores including the month of November

    Crossfire 1 3156
    Benn 2600
    Lily 2204
    ChatGuideGD 1819
    Jan 988
    Velcro 900
    Poppy 892
    The Naz Experience 761
    Kath 758
    Buster 672
    Phong 339
    Poet 265
    Eliza 258
    Millwall 208
    Meiko 202
    Debbie 188
    Chatham Memories 159
    StormySip 98
    Sprinkleofglitter 93
    Phil 87
    Italian Ready Meal 63
    Binky 59
    Festus 45
    Sparra 40
    Will 38
    WillDom 37
    Blossom 36
    Asian Male 34
    Fine Foxy Filly 28
    Italian Lover 28
    Rigsby 23
    Tammy 23
    ChatGuideLD 22
    Rec Alc 22
    Wilma 20
    Chappy 17
    Steve 31 16
    Elk 12
    Mick_Lancs 12
    Bod 11
    Mel 11
    Musky 10
    ChatGuideTD 6
    Quiz Queen 5
    Laurie 2


    OK here are the final standings in the quiz league table for 2014.

    Crossfire 1 3422
    Benn 2829
    Lily 2374
    ChatGuide GD 1989
    Jan 1084
    The Naz Experience 932
    Velcro 924
    Poppy 892
    Kath 758
    Buster 693
    Ariston 500
    Phong 339
    Poet 265
    Chatham Memories 258
    Eliza 258
    Millwall 208
    Meiko 202
    Debbie 188
    StormySip 111
    Sprinkleofglitter 93
    Phil 87
    Italian Ready Meal 63
    Binky 59
    Festus 45
    Sparra 40
    Will 38
    WillDom 37
    Blossom 36
    Asian Male 34
    Fine Foxy Filly 28
    Italian Lover 28
    Rigsby 23
    Tammy 23
    ChatGuideLD 22
    Rec Alc 22
    Wilma 20
    Holy Male 18
    Chappy 17
    Steve 31 16
    Elk 12
    Mick_Lancs 12
    Bod 11
    Mel 11
    Flower 10
    Musky 10
    Pam 7
    ChatGuide TD 6
    Quiz Queen 5
    River 3
    Laurie 2

    Congratulations to Crossfire 1 for winning the quiz league, Benn for coming second and Lily for coming third.


    Thanks to everyone who took part in the quizzes for 2014, and a big thank you to GD for all her efforts.

    Prizes for 2014 winners were as follows:

    1st prize (Crossfire 1): £100 Amazon gift voucher or £200 charity donation.
    2nd prize (Benn): £50 Amazon gift voucher or £100 charity donation.
    3rd prize (Lily): 1 year membership of Just Chat PLUS.

    Here’s to a slightly more competitive quiz in 2015 ;)

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