Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Questions of segregation

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  • #6417

    1. Seeing as we dont all get along, is segregation of culture’s worth considering?

    2. Which would you prefer to live in, a white patriotic English/british, secular/pagan/christian based hetrosexual society, or eveything else?

    3. Which one of the above would be the most successfull?

    4. Would you prefer the country divided into 2 (split down the M1 say), or cities given specificly to certain cultures?

    I wonder which side the criminals and drug addicts etc would go to? They’d be dealt with good and proper on the patriotic side, be easy peasy with the bleeding heart multiculturalists. Can you imagine the cost difference in looking after all these animals, less taxes coming in, more police needed, court time, bring on the segregation.

    Slayer and genie would choose the criminals side :D


    Not necessarily Emma. The paedophiles, perverts and general violent criminals might go onto the BNP side for example.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Not necessarily Emma. The paedophiles, perverts and general violent criminals might go onto the BNP side for example.

    Might not. After time, these vicious animals would wana live with the bleeding heart multiculturalists, because they wouldn’t want to be thrashed and fed bread and water.

    The namby pamby’s will look after them, tell them not to do it again and try to understand their needs…plus kids in the namby pamby society would be more fair game, given licence to have sex at 13 most probably.

    You can have the namby pamby society, and work hard to fund the insanity of it.

    Or you can work hard and fund a decent society whereby you are treated better.

    Which one?


    I’ll take the namby pamby society please. I like funding insanity – it’s much more fun.


    When you’ve become a victim, or learn to grow a brain above the childish stupidity you portray on here, then we’ll get an adult response.

    (Don’t hold your breath waiting ….Ed)



    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @emmalush wrote:

    1. Seeing as we dont all get along, is segregation of culture’s worth considering?

    Perhaps if we just segregated you-

    You do seem very certain of who doesn’t get on but who is “we”- southerners and northerners, catholics and protestants?

    @emmalush wrote:

    2. Which would you prefer to live in, a white patriotic English/british, secular/pagan/christian based hetrosexual society, or eveything else?

    You’re barking- are you sure your not half afrikaans? I live in a patriotic, British, christian country now- why would I want to change?

    @emmalush wrote:

    Slayer and genie would choose the criminals side :D

    Aww, thanx


    @slayer wrote:

    Perhaps if we just segregated you-

    You do seem very certain of who doesn’t get on but who is “we“- southerners and northerners, catholics and protestants?

    Who’s “we” indeed.

    @emmalush wrote:

    2. Which would you prefer to live in, a white patriotic English/british, secular/pagan/christian based hetrosexual society, or eveything else?

    I live in a patriotic, British, christian country now- why would I want to change?

    For a white English/british version, oops, you cant. You’ll have to live with the non whites, sorry slayer. Send us a postcard of your time in the hellhole ideology you signed up for?

    Its SOOOOOOOO interesting of white liberal extremists like slayer and new labour etc, that they need the white patriotic community to go to work to feed their multiculturalised society.

    When are the white patriotic community going to realise they’d be better off without the multiculturalists?


    @emmalush wrote:

    Perhaps if we just segregated you-

    @slayer wrote:

    You do seem very certain of who doesn’t get on but who is “we“- southerners and northerners, catholics and protestants?

    @emmalush wrote:

    Who’s “we” indeed.

    Oh I see, you just naturally assumed every white person in this country thinks like you and you singularly used the royal “we”. Or was it jus you n a couple of like minded mates n that was enough for a concensus. Either way, you have given me a laugh today

    @emmalush wrote:

    2. Which would you prefer to live in, a white patriotic English/british, secular/pagan/christian based hetrosexual society, or eveything else?

    @slayer wrote:

    ]I live in a patriotic, British, christian country now- why would I want to change?

    @emmalush wrote:

    For a white English/british version, oops, you cant. You’ll have to live with the non whites, sorry slayer. Send us a postcard of your time in the hellhole ideology you signed up for?

    Thanx Emma, but I’d rather live free and with the rest of the human race than with a anachronistic, fuddled, white supremacist like you. I know which side my bread is buttered. And you have changed from a English only to an English/British- make your mind up.

    @emmalush wrote:

    Its SOOOOOOOO interesting of white liberal extremists like slayer and new labour etc, that they need the white patriotic community to go to work to feed their multiculturalised society.

    When are the white patriotic community going to realise they’d be better off without the multiculturalists?

    When they next hold their meeting in the local phone box they can discuss it. But thanks for calling me liberal and extremist (that stretches the imagination). Never been called liberal before so I can add it to my list- you bore me now so your trollish behaviour has been superseded by the desire to finish Michael Palin’s dairies


    @slayer wrote:

    Oh I see, you just naturally assumed every white person in this country thinks like you and you singularly used the royal “we”.

    Your twin accused me of not reading. I said, white patriotic English/british, secular/pagan/christian and hetrosexual.

    Thanx Emma, but I’d rather live free and with the rest of the human race than with a anachronistic, fuddled, white supremacist like you.

    Then you’ll have to work damn hard to fund peadophiles “care”, drug addicts “care”, criminals “care”, asylum seekers ETC. You’ll have no military, so you’ll be taken over once a sizeable bunch of animals can dictate.

    I know which side my bread is buttered.

    You’ll end up with only bread to eat.

    And you have changed from a English only to an English/British- make your mind up.

    Im English, but i’d assume the patriotic welsh n scots would join us. British Nationals.

    When they next hold their meeting in the local phone box they can discuss it. But thanks for calling me liberal and extremist (that stretches the imagination)….the desire to finish Michael Palin’s dairies

    Michael and slayer, two cheeks of the same liberal back side.

    So slayer is all for living only with multiculturalists. Who thinks they’d last more than a year without disaster?

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