1. Ok……..why have they the right to call me racist?
5. This is my post…
6. Theres the difference you see. A decent person would rather be and feel safe, have criminals caught more who might hurt or steel from them, than some daft burocratic EU membership.
7. The best person for the job can be someone we train….better to train an unemployed “slayer”???
8. “my grandparents are from Pluto…and i am the retard???”. Seems so. Infact, calling you a retard is an insult to retards.
Oh it would be a pleasure watching you squirm, funding criminals expensive lifestyles, ours too, cos they’d wana live on yourside for better treatment, and you being namby pamby’s, would welcome them. Your society would crumble into a third world squalor, you only survive now because of us.