Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Question Times racist answer

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  • #6450

    Last thursday’s Question Time in Edinburgh out did itself. The qestion of Scottish independence came up, with the all-Scottish panel.

    A Scottish comdian called Hardeep Singh Kohli, who was a member of the panel, said “Better than 300 years of subjugation by the English.” He then said it was no good them complaining about being downtrodden and roughly treated by the English and that they should demand their independence.

    His comments were extremely inflammatory and anti-English. Remember, this progamme is available worldwide on the internet. There was no attempt by the BBC to balance the programme with replies in defence of England/the English. 39 mins.

    Can you IMAGINE, the furry if they had the decency to allow a BNP spokesman/woman on there, and he/she said something racist. People would be calling for a 7 year prison sentence for incitement to racial hatred.

    Still, Mr Singh is asking for questions of the programme, which can be submitted via this link, i dare say one of you would like to complain?

    5 days later, and i cannot see one single question allowed online by the BBC (biased broadcasting cumpany), hmm.

    Persecution of the English!! Is your TV licence fee up for renewal?


    The reason I don’t care is because Scotland was never a real country anyway. How can a non-existant country gain independance? It can’t.

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