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  • #1011872

    Oh and the Krauts of course

    Oh yes, forgot about Krauts and frogs. Then I thought of nippons.(Japs).

    So…in my quest to find out how offensive poor Golly is….I found lots of articles….some people thought he is, some thought he isnt. I also found a forum, where they were asking their black members, what they thought of Golly, and….many of them didnt find him offensive at all.

    In my old home town, a shop keeper is going to keep on selling Golly, despite SOME people finding Golly offensive. I will let you know if I hear any more about that.



    Sorry for going off topic and all that, but Scep why can’t you just put your argument rather than always adding some sort of dig about the so called abuse you get in here. The truth is you’re just a big girls blouse – just saying like B-)


    Thanks for the sexist comment, Reason.

    My comment was a compliment to drac, with whom I profoundly disagree, but who doesn’t argue like an idiot.

    I’ll put my argument when I want,  not earlier and not later.


    So why didn’t you just simply compliment Drac?


    Might as swell throw a “sweaty sock” in there just for good measure.


    I’ve said enough times on these boards why paki is offensive and used differently to say the word Brit or scot……I’m not going to repeat it again…..and for the ones who cant see the difference I will put my neck on the line and say you are being bloody minded and deliberately pedantic with your play in words to admit you don’t know the difference……you don’t know how paki Is used negatively? My @rse

    There is no difference, other than the intention with which it is used.

    So there can be racist intent??

    I’ve argued here on another thread that some words can be used with non-racist intent, but that it’s rare. They’re usually used with real racial intent.

    Bernard Manning is one example; Jim Davidson another. They would cover up their racism with a ‘humour’ which wasn’t funny, but the intent was to make fun by using racial stereotypes and pouring scorn on those stereotypes.


    A prime eg of a just chat racist. A little shithouse who could used their real name, I wonder why? possibly because I made it look a fool  and they didn’t like it haha.

    Bounty Hunter:  ur the whore who shags ni ggers then moans on the boards someone calls them golliwogs u dirty kunt


    Too many of those lowlifes hanging around jc, Sophia.

    Good for you that you publicised it.

    Now that is a prime example of racist words used with racist intent. They (almost) always are and, as Ms K has said, it’s pedantic to pretend otherwise.

    1 member liked this post.

    So there can be racist intent??

    Well … yes?


    Take the example : “I think that all black people should be shot because they are animals”. None of those individual words are ‘racist’, but when taken in context the whole sentance would be.

    Its either the words that are racist, or the intention. You can’t pick and choose which when its convenient for your narative.

    Bounty Hunter: ur the whore who shags ni ggers then moans on the boards someone calls them golliwogs u dirty kunt

    That sounds to me just like a troll who is trying to provoke a negative reaction from you, rather than genuine hatred of black people.

    Again, this is the context that matters (that it was said on a chat site where there are trolls), not the words that were said.

    Now that is a prime example of racist words used with racist intent. They (almost) always are and, as Ms K has said, it’s pedantic to pretend otherwise.

    I don’t think the intent is clear in this example, as I said. But it is certainly a possibility still.



    Methinks you are the most racist.


    Defendant, I think you don’t like being proved wrong and being made to look the fool? Definition of a fool =   One who is deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding. :scratch:  



    Bounty Hunter: ur the whore who shags ni ggers then moans on the boards someone calls them golliwogs u dirty kunt

    That sounds to me just like a troll who is trying to provoke a negative reaction from you, rather than genuine hatred of black people. Again, this is the context that matters (that it was said on a chat site where there are trolls), not the words that were said.

    Now that is a prime example of racist words used with racist intent. They (almost) always are and, as Ms K has said, it’s pedantic to pretend otherwise.

    I don’t think the intent is clear in this example, as I said. But it is certainly a possibility still.

    It strikes me as very clear.


    You don’t think Jim Davidson and Bernard manning used racist language just because they were pretending to be funny? It was racist humour, pure and simple. Black people would laugh at it as a way of handling the hostility, to show white society, ‘look I’m one of you, I laugh with you’.  Then they’d go home and maybe find their lad has been stabbed to death while waiting for fish and chips just because he was black.

    You can certainly act as a troll – some of the posts on this thread are examples- without being racist. You can very occasionally use words which are associated with racism without ebing racist, and I once wrote a post giving examples –  this is rare –

    But if some low piece of slime is going to use such racist filth in order to troll Sophia, then it doesn’t stop being racist because it’s being used to provoke.

    Language does indeed rely on context, and if the context is racially charged for any reason, then the language is racist.

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