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  • #1011760

    . Certainly didnt intend to start WW3 and offend anyone.

    Offence is taken, not given, apparently.

    It’s pretty obvious you didn’t intend to offend anyone Tinsel, so don’t worry about it.


    dont worry about our batty,shes a daily mail reader,


    I never much played with dolls as a kid but I remember Rupert the bear had a lovely pair of tartan trousers kept badgering my mum to get me some but they were hard to find


    While we are on this subject, can people on this site please stop describing the “white” underclass as “chavs”, or as a more general insult. A broad insult that has become mainstream and that I would argue is far more offensive and more genuinely harmful to that particular social group than “golliwog” is to the BAME community. Thanks in advance. :cry:

    SHR……this kind of post really really disappoints me to the point of upsetting me……..and yes I know you wont care about that….you can post what you like and you certainly don’t post to appease me

    No form of racism is worse than any other and to call it out as such is quite insulting to anyone who has suffered it

    Sophia….some just wont get it….you can explain and give all the examples in the world….been there done that here and the room….some…and even if they are not in the slightest bit racist…will never understand that feeling of being made to feel like a piece of dirt on their shoe just because of their colour

    We will never live in an ideal peaceful world….we can only hope to live in an idyllic and peaceful place where we live….that’s a start


    1 member liked this post.

    . Certainly didnt intend to start WW3 and offend anyone.

    Offence is taken, not given, apparently. It’s pretty obvious you didn’t intend to offend anyone Tinsel, so don’t worry about it.

    Good job we all don’t think offence is taken rather than given……….that would give a green light to say what you want to anyone…leaving the insult on them whether they are offended or not :unsure:


    I cant find Blossoms post…has it been deleted….am I tripping (again) or has it been given a new home?


    dont worry about our batty,shes a daily mail reader,

    OI! I’ll have you know I read the Daily Sport as well! So ner.


    id love to read the sport with you batty  undera duvet day monday xxxx


    SHR……this kind of post really really disappoints me to the point of upsetting me……..and yes I know you wont care about that….you can post what you like and you certainly don’t post to appease me No form of racism is worse than any other and to call it out as such is quite insulting to anyone who has suffered it

    I didn’t say any form of racism is better, or worse. I said I find the “chav” insults on this site more offensive, than the word “golliwog”.




    No form of racism is worse than any other and to call it out as such is quite insulting to anyone who has suffered it

    Really, so being called a gollywog is as bad as being a holocaust survivor?

    That doesn’t seem right to me.

    Sophia….some just wont get it….you can explain and give all the examples in the world…

    She has explained nothing, and given no documented examples. :unsure:

    You are also ignoring that she said specifcally that white people (as in all of them) are unable to understand it, which impies either that racism against white people doesn’t exist, or that white people are just too stupid to understand, or both.

    Good job we all don’t think offence is taken rather than given……….that would give a green light to say what you want to anyone…leaving the insult on them whether they are offended or not :unsure:

    I don’t actually think it should be taken,  I was just describing the behaviour that some people go out of their way to find offence where clearly none was intended. See my previous post on language policing:

    I should clarify my previous post with the fact that I don’t think that any individual word can be offensive, it is the intention with which the word is used that causes the offence. I don’t really understand the attempts some people make a language policing, there is no evidence that a word itself can cause harm. And banning a word does not prevent the intended meaning from being expressed using other words.


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