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  • #1011718

    that was actually meant for chat uk,sorry soms,i was on about his deletion monologue i pressed the wrong butt.


    Poor Golly, causing all this controversy.

    Doll lives matter.


    to me as a kid i saw no wrong in gollys on jam jars,he was like a mate,he helped to read.


    me to read i know it sounds weird but golly did,he always left a message on the jar,golly is a top lad,get him back i say.


    Let’s get one thing clear from the off: the term golliwog is offensive. Whether you use it public, in private, on air, or in the green room, no one in their right mind can not be aware that this is a derogatory term to describe black people.  I do not care whether or not it was considered racist when it first appeared in 1873, a fact which is pretty weak as arguments go, I wonder how many black people do you think were asked about it then?

    The fact that so many white commentators have deigned to tell me they don’t find the term offensive only makes matters worse. I’m not saying you have to be black to have a point of view on this, but you certainly have to be black to have ever been called a golliwog, so when a white person  tells me he doesn’t see what the problem is, well, am I really expected to take him seriously? Nor am I particularly surprised that these dolls are still on sale, or that people are still stupid enough to buy them. But unless you have been spat at, kicked or had eggs thrown at you, all while being called that hateful term, it is unlikely you will ever understand why a small doll causes such a big fuss!! And putting a post up about them does that make you racist? you knew when you put the post up what these dolls represent.


    Let’s get one thing clear from the off: the term golliwog is offensive.

    Well them, I guess you can explain to me, precisely, why it is offensive. Because so far you have only said it is offensive because you feel it is.

    The fact that so many white commentators have deigned to tell me they don’t find the term offensive only makes matters worse.

    How do you know what race people are?

    so when a white person tells me he doesn’t see what the problem is, well, am I really expected to take him seriously?

    That seems a little bit … racist?

    But unless you have been spat at, kicked or had eggs thrown at you, all while being called that hateful term, it is unlikely you will ever understand why a small doll causes such a big fuss!!

    Can you name a specific case where this has happened? Of all the things you could call someone, gollywog seems like the last thing that would be used.


    I should clarify my previous post with the fact that I don’t think that any individual word can be offensive, it is the intention with which the word is used that causes the offence. I don’t really understand the attempts some people make a language policing, there is no evidence that a word itself can cause harm. And banning a word does not prevent the intended meaning from being expressed using other words.

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    Sophia, as I am the author of the thread…does that make me racist? I was just asking a question/opinion, thats all. In my mind…its a doll that happens to be black…thats it. However, I am not black, and no I have never experienced racial abuse in my life…clearly you have. The ones who did it should be ashamed of themselves, sadly, I doubt they are.

    Can I ask…..if it was just a doll….ie: NOT called a gollywog….would it bother you then? Or is it simply the name?


    Its what the doll represents , like I said white people just don’t get it. And yes, I think by posting this you are a racist, I did state this in my previous reply Are you not reading what I am typing?


    Its what the doll represents , like I said white people just don’t get it. 

    Then please explain it.

    And yes, I think by posting this you are a racist

    But why? Tinsel never said anything remotely racist.

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