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  • #1011888

    But if some low piece of slime is going to use such racist filth in order to troll Sophia, then it doesn’t stop being racist because it’s being used to provoke.

    Language does indeed rely on context, and if the context is racially charged for any reason, then the language is racist.

    What was said was racist, I agree. I meant that I don’t think the person who said it is actually a racist, just someone who thought it would be an effective way to provoke a response. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.

    You don’t think Jim Davidson and Bernard manning used racist language just because they were pretending to be funny? It was racist humour, pure and simple.

    I don’t know who either of these people are, but ironic racism is a thing. I do it sometimes in the chat room (impersonating a Nazi in my case).


    Impersonating a nazi may or may not be ironic but isn’t racist.

    A comic or a mate can use racism in an ironic way but you have to be very careful and very clever – lenny Bruce was good at that.

    Your example is a demonstration of the point being made –

    What was said was racist, I agree. I meant that I don’t think the person who said it is actually a racist, just someone who thought it would be an effective way to provoke a response. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.

    The intent wasn’t racist (you hope, though it’s not so clear to me!) but, as you say, the language was racist. That’s what counts, not trying to guess whether the shyte intended to be racist or not.

    The context is of a society where racism (and xenophobia)  is still there, taking new forms all the time. You can see it in the room a lot. I knew one guy in Hoxton who was the child of a black dad and a white mum, and he suffered real persecution.



    The intent wasn’t racist (you hope, though it’s not so clear to me!) but, as you say, the language was racist. That’s what counts, not trying to guess whether the shyte intended to be racist or not.

    The intent was to make Sophia think he was racist, in order to get a reaction (which he got, as we are talking about it now). If he actually is or not is largely irrelevant to this conversation, the intent to cause harm is more important to me.

    The context is of a society where racism (and xenophobia) is still there, taking new forms all the time. You can see it in the room a lot. I knew one guy in Hoxton who was the child of a black dad and a white mum, and he suffered real persecution.

    I don’t think there are very many genuine racists around in this country still, the media is however trying to create them for some reason (and is openly racist itself in some cases).


    A prime eg of a just chat racist. A little shithouse who could used their real name, I wonder why? possibly because I made it look a fool and they didn’t like it haha. Bounty Hunter: ur the whore who shags ni ggers then moans on the boards someone calls them golliwogs u dirty kunt

    This is the reason I know many wont talk about their background/culture/ethnicity in the room due to abuse…in fact I have had pms from Indians who wont say they are Indian in the room due to the abuse they’ve seen me get…how sad is one should hide what they are …when I first started chatting I loved the fact there were people from so many different backgrounds and walks of life at our fingertips….you could ask questions about anything and learn….that to me was one of the reasons I continued chatting

    and Drac….analyse anything and you can find another angle….but some things don’t need deep analysis….Sophia had some disgusting words slung at her and all you can say is you don’t think the chatter was racist?…..if you murder someone but did it for effect…but not to actually kill someone deliberately….are you not a murderer?


    This is the reason I know many wont talk about their background/culture/ethnicity in the room due to abuse…in fact I have had pms from Indians who wont say they are Indian in the room due to the abuse they’ve seen me get…how sad is one should hide what they are …when I first started chatting I loved the fact there were people from so many different backgrounds and walks of life at our fingertips….you could ask questions about anything and learn….that to me was one of the reasons I continued chatting

    The indian people I know in the rooms have never said anything to me about abuse and I have never seen it myself, so who am I to believe?

    and Drac….analyse anything and you can find another angle….but some things don’t need deep analysis….Sophia had some disgusting words slung at her and all you can say is you don’t think the chatter was racist?

    It matters when we are having a discusion about what things are racist, and how to define them.

    Yes she had bad things said to her (allegedly), but she has also said bad things here which you are all too quick to ignore. It seems like there is a case of double standards being applied here.

    …..if you murder someone but did it for effect…but not to actually kill someone deliberately….are you not a murderer?

    Manslaughter is a different crime than murder, so i’m not quite sure what point you are trying to make.


    I am not surprised you pretend not to know the point I’m  making….



    I am not surprised you pretend not to know the point I’m making….

    Then please explain it.

    Killing someone by accident isn’t murder, legally.


    I absolutely agree that what Sophia quoted is racist and I don’t agree it was ‘merely’ for effect or ‘parody’, or trolling, or banter to get a reaction. Or all the other vague excuses people trot out in an attempt to justify bigoted language or behaviour.

    I just can’t take the predominantly white liberal class nor the liberal MSM seriously though, when they play the race card so glibly as and when it suits them. Describing others as racist or xenophobic in an attempt to shut down conversation and debate. For example the murder of Jo Cox and the Brexit debate in general and the  accusations thrown out actually cheapen the debate and cheapen real racism which should always be recognized for what it is and rooted out of our society.

    “W.O.G.S” actually means (originally meant) “Working on Government Service” and was first used in Egypt on armbands to describe Egyptian workers working for the “British Empire” and gave them a higher status. Or a lower status dependent on what your view is of the empire.




    I absolutely agree that what Sophia quoted is racist and I don’t agree it was ‘merely’ for effect or ‘parody’, or trolling, or banter to get a reaction. Or all the other vague excuses people trot out in an attempt to justify bigoted language or behaviour.

    Motivation is an important part of the legal system, its very strange to me that you would just discard it for no real reason.

    If motivation isn’t important, and only ‘using bigoted language’ then Sophia is guilty of racism by saying :

    Bounty Hunter: ur the whore who shags ni ggers then moans on the boards someone calls them golliwogs u dirty kunt

    As she used the offending language in a post. Do you not see what the problem with the logic you are using is?

    I just can’t take the predominantly white liberal class nor the liberal MSM seriously though, when they play the race card so glibly as and when it suits them.

    I would not describe these people as liberals, they are progressives. What they promote is the opposite of liberalism. They don’t actually care about racism though, consider the conditions attached to most of the BBC’s job adverts:

    This is very clearly a ‘no white people allowed’ clause, but nobody makes an issue about it. If they said ‘no black people allowed’ instead there would be riots on the streets outside of BBC HQ.




    Tell you who IS racist…against white people….



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